回复 :Race Across The World, a new six-part series for BBC Two, will pit pairs of travellers against each other in a race to reach the Far East without taking a single flight, with no smartphone in sight. Each contestant will only have the cash equivalent of an air fare to their destination to pay for their overland travel. If they run out, they'll need to earn more.Setting out on the adventure of a lifetime, the couples will hit the open road using whatever mode of transport they can - from trains to pickup trucks, from ferries to tuk-tuks - crossing continents and experiencing travel the way we once used to.And the race is on to reach the finish line in the fastest time, making best use of their money - and strategy - to win a cash prize. This flightless race will allow the teams time to savour some of the world’s most beautiful and astonishing scenery, which the modern-day traveller seldom gets to see.Each couple has their own personal motivation for taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime experience, immersing themselves in different cultures, forming bonds and friendships across cultural divides and relying on the kindness of strangers in order to stand the best chance of winning the competition.
回复 :国家的丰饶、麾下勇者的数量、以及国王本人如何像勇者一般强大,这些要素的综合排名,便是所谓的“国王排名”。主人公波吉是国王排名第七名的伯斯王治下王国的第一王子。但是波吉却生来耳不能闻,贫弱到挥不动剑。不止家臣甚至连民众都轻蔑地说「他实在不是当国王的料」。这样的波吉人生中第一位交到的朋友,卡克。与卡克的邂逅,以及那些微小的勇气中诞生的,波吉人生的巨变将要开始——
回复 :凯文和艾力克斯这对老朋友要帮矿厂主贾德和他的家人赶在大雪来临前建造桑那屋,停车库,厨房和重新打开去年被大雪掩盖的矿厂口, 以换取矿石作为回报, 他们能如期完工吗?!