回复 :視肉如命的警探法蘭茲對剩餘大小事都漠不關心…。懶散的個性使他妻離子散、膽固醇超標,直到平靜的小鎮上一起火災謀殺案,才開始讓他的錯位人生走回正軌。正當他想發憤圖強時,妻子卻將自己不滿一歲的兒子丟給他照顧。一邊要辦案;一邊還要當奶爸,蠟燭兩頭燒的他,該如何帶娃破懸案,擺脫這魯蛇的人生呢?
回复 :In 1965, Bob Crane, who had achieved some earlier success as a television supporting actor, was working as a successful morning radio DJ at KNX Los Angeles. Despite enjoying his work, photography (especially of the female form) and drumming, Crane wanted to be a movie star. So it was with some reluctance that he accepted the title starring role in a new television sitcom called Hogan's Heroes (1965), a WWII POW comedy. To his surprise, the show became a hit and catapulted him to television stardom. The fame resulting from the show led to excesses and a meeting with home video salesman and technician John Carpenter, with who he would form a friendship based on their mutual interests, namely excessive sex (for Crane, purely heterosexual sex) and capturing nude females on celluloid. His fame allowed Crane to have as much sex as he wanted, which was incongruent to his somewhat wholesome television friendly image, and the way he portrayed himself to almost everyone except Carpenter and his...
回复 :主角是一对弱势的母子,母亲耐心地表现自己对孩子的爱,同时又充满了悲伤和愤怒,初中生的儿子则必须每天忍受着屈辱。到底,她们到最后都绝对不放弃的东西是什么?