亚洲After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
亚洲After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
回复 :美国海军在海底一万多尺处建立一座秘密实验室,由十一位科学家进行著一项海底殖民计划。不料在一次爆破任物时,指挥中心受到前所未有的猛烈攻击,他们竟然发现有外来不明物体侵入基地中……
回复 :The movie stars Sam, 18, an aspiring musician that just lost her older sister Amber. During the difficult grieving process, Sam finds comfort in singing and songwriting - fulfilling the dreams that Amber would now never be able to pursue. Along with Amber's band, Sam moves to Nashville to pursue Amber's dream of making a career in the music industry. Upon arrival, they sign with a music manager who immediately provides them with success, but at a price. As the taste of fame draws near, tensions begin to rise within the band. Will the industry tear them apart and change forever who they are? Even in Dreams is an inspiring, feel good, musically driven family film.
回复 :十年前,斯坦·罗斯是名极具天赋的职业棒球运动员,长着一张大嘴的他还是个极其自负的家伙,幸运的他命中注定走上成功之路。当他完成确保进入棒球名人榜的第3000次安打之后,立即决定退出比赛,抛弃了处在困境中的队友。很快,罗斯开始了他的“Mr.30 00”商业计划,凭借这个传奇般的数字,他不断的满足着自我。而现在,最终认证罗斯进入名人榜之际,却节外生枝,他的3次安打记录遭到否定,转眼之间罗斯变成了“Mr.2997”。他只有一种选择,就是戒除不良嗜好,恢复训练,重操球棒,回到密尔沃基·布 鲁尔球队,这是体坛界极为罕见的复出。 47岁的罗斯不得不从一垒开始打起,失常的表现一度遭到非议,很快他变成了新闻的笑柄和球队的祸害,只有体育记者西蒙丝(安吉拉·贝赛特饰)还对他的实力深信不疑。随着赛季的延续,罗斯逐渐找回了当初的感觉,他开始意识到这并不只是数字的游戏,狂妄自 大的罗斯终于体会到了团队合作的乐趣,学会用道德规范约束自己,甚至坠入了爱河……