亚洲After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
亚洲After surviving a violent encounter, renowned pianist, Amber Waltz, relocates to a rural farmhouse to complete her latest symphony. When the music mysteriously begins writing itself, Amber slowly discovers that this piece could be her last.
回复 :Recep and Nurullah decide to go village house, which is inherited from his grandma. Recep finds out the existence of a big project, that will damage the village and the surrounding forests. Villagers will fight against the project with Recep's leadership.—yusufpiskin
回复 :《东京少年》的姊妹篇,同样以“无法有结果的恋情”为主题。2008年的东京少女未步(夏帆 饰)的梦想是成为一名奇幻小说家,这天和母亲以及母亲的情人在餐厅用餐,对母亲准备再婚一事十分排斥的未步愤而离席。1912年,宫田时次郎(佐野和真 饰)再次被夏目漱石退稿,缺乏生活经验的他写作出来的小说缺乏打动人心的力量。他沮丧地拿着退稿离开出版社。突然发生地震,站立不稳的未步失手掉了手机,从楼梯坠入连接过去与未来的虫洞,被时次郎拾得。不可思议地,相隔几近一百年的两个人,由误会到了解,渐渐情愫暗生,彼此倾诉生活中遭遇的问题,还异时空约会。但是身处未来的未步总是知道历史的发生,而当她想改变时,却发现一切只是无能为力。但是即便不能改变命运,也仍有真爱留低。
回复 :待业宅家的余良生(包贝尔 饰)被母亲逼迫去川西寻找孤身一人进藏支教的妹妹余潇(何蓝逗 饰),却得知妹妹被人贩绑架,救妹心切的他就此踏上了一场险象环生的营救妹妹之旅。途中他意外邂逅同样漂泊在外的顾小曼(李梦 饰),殊不知两人即将被迫卷入更大的阴谋。各怀鬼胎的几方势力,阴差阳错的上演了一幕幕啼笑皆非的闹剧。真真假假的身份、荒诞离谱的误会,…旅途的终点到底还有什么等待着他们?