茅山道士九叔(林正英 饰)的大徒弟肥宝(洪金宝 饰)与茶肆老板的女儿珠女(龚慈恩 饰)系指腹为婚,久久久久久精但其岳丈嫌弃肥宝贫穷,久久久久久精欲将女儿许配富家子弟史公子。为了筹备高额聘礼,肥宝盘下粥摊赚钱。谁知第一个顾客竟然是个女鬼,肥宝尾随其后,进而得知这个名为小红(王文君 饰)的女鬼为了照顾失明的母亲而盘桓人间,于是冒充小红的表哥将母女二人接至家中。肥宝师弟小海(孟海 饰)得知,请求小红色诱史公子,以帮助师兄赚得钱财。不想却被史家的巫师识破……
茅山道士九叔(林正英 饰)的大徒弟肥宝(洪金宝 饰)与茶肆老板的女儿珠女(龚慈恩 饰)系指腹为婚,久久久久久精但其岳丈嫌弃肥宝贫穷,久久久久久精欲将女儿许配富家子弟史公子。为了筹备高额聘礼,肥宝盘下粥摊赚钱。谁知第一个顾客竟然是个女鬼,肥宝尾随其后,进而得知这个名为小红(王文君 饰)的女鬼为了照顾失明的母亲而盘桓人间,于是冒充小红的表哥将母女二人接至家中。肥宝师弟小海(孟海 饰)得知,请求小红色诱史公子,以帮助师兄赚得钱财。不想却被史家的巫师识破……
回复 :黄河中游的三门峡湿地,是野生大天鹅重要的越冬栖息地。每年吸引一万余只越冬的大天鹅。一只雌性大天鹅“美峡”翅膀受伤,不得不永久留在越冬地。在这里,它与另一只受伤的天鹅组建家庭并孵化出了7只幼崽,这是野生大天鹅在黄河流域越冬地自然繁殖成功的首例。随后的五个月里,美峡先后失去 丈夫和一个孩子,家庭遭受巨大变故。单亲母亲困难重重。秋末,大天鹅陆续抵达黄河中游的越冬地。美峡的领地也受到了挑战。第二年春季,越冬的天鹅开始飞回北方繁殖地。面对迁徙,六个孩子又将何去何从呢?"A female swan Meixia, whose wings were injured and could not fly, had to stay permanently in the wintering grounds, where she and another wounded swan fell in love, then started to breed and rear their young.However, Meixia lost her husband and one child sequentially in five months, the single mother suffered deeply from her family lost and life bristled with difficulties for her unexpectedly. At the end of autumn, the wintering ground in the Yellow River Basin is crowded with other swans which means Meixia’s territory is facing challenge.Next year spring, swans are flying back to their breeding grounds. When facing migration, what will be the destiny of her six children?"
回复 :相信真爱终会相遇,相信有情人终成眷属,你我的爱情约定即刻开始倒数。谷雨轩(陈飞宇 饰)和韩书妍(周也 饰)儿时巧遇结缘,却又遗憾错过。长大后的两人再度相遇,命中注定般地坠入爱河,在历经恋爱的幸福与甜蜜后,却不得不共同面临命运的考验。时间的齿轮开始转动,双向奔赴的他们能否用爱创造奇迹?
回复 :Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life, somewhere else in the universe. With cutting-edge imagery from the world's most powerful telescopes, The Search for Life in Space takes audiences from the surface of Mars and the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, to the extreme lava fields of Hawaii and thermal vents deep beneath the sea. In these harsh environments, astrobiologists look for clues to how life takes hold. As this immersive adventure into the universe reveals the possibility of planets like ours, The Search for Life in Space will make you re-examine such fundamental questions as: "Where did we come from?", "How did we get here?" and "Are we alone?"