回复 :The dramatic, true story of C.S. Lewis' journey from committed atheist to reluctant believer begins with his turbulent childhood. After losing his mother to cancer and becoming estranged from his father, a young C.S. Lewis deems existence bleak and unfortunate. His tutelage under atheist William T. Kirkpatrick and his harrowing experiences in The Great War solidify his case for...
回复 :香港铜锣湾,喧嚣鼎沸,鱼龙混杂。黑道中两大势力洪兴和东星盘桓于此,龙争虎斗,此消彼长。洪兴老大洪胜(谷峰 饰)骁勇精明,为人义气,颇得徒众敬仰,却独独与儿子洪飞(梁朝伟 饰)关系不和。洪飞淡出黑道,独来独往过着自在生活。洪兴马仔小春(陈小春 饰)偶然与东星老大的儿子阿宝及头面人物垃圾,正当危难之时阿飞出手相助。小春对其无限崇拜,更将妹妹小彤(李若彤 饰)介绍给阿飞。身为记者的小彤从小就对金庸小说中的英雄侠客充满敬仰,她对江湖之事怀有一份浪漫的情结,由此小彤阿飞渐渐萌生感情。洪胜年事已高,准备金盆洗手,但在典礼当晚遭到东星骚扰,气急病倒。在小彤的劝说下,阿飞与父亲重归于好。与此同时,洪兴与东星的矛盾日益激化,一场黑道风暴即将到来……
回复 :Director YOON Seongho was offered to make this film because the indie-sitcom was too big to be seen on a computer. It had to be seen bigger in a feature film. It contains his confession-like dialogue and cold, sharp introspection.