国产Jeff Huang, takes the road less traveled for leaving behind a lucrative job in finance to become a Mixed Martial Artist at the age of 33. When life doesn't go according to the plan, will Jeff waver in the path he's chosen?
国产Jeff Huang, takes the road less traveled for leaving behind a lucrative job in finance to become a Mixed Martial Artist at the age of 33. When life doesn't go according to the plan, will Jeff waver in the path he's chosen?
回复 :Remember when everyone wanted to be in The Strokes or look like Karen O? Then this is the film of the year for you! We’re in New York in the early ’00s. Rock n’ roll had long since been declared dead and buried when a tsunami of young bands suddenly swept across the city and up the charts everywhere, setting a new standard for urban cool. In a kaleidoscopic journey with an eye ...
回复 :《笔仙大战贞子2》讲述了美术学院学生夏柚(奚美丽饰),在与“姐妹团”佩洁(朱娅饰)、小依(王宇凝饰)、雯雯(林奕婧饰)聚会时候玩起了通灵游戏,阴差阳错之下招致了贞子的出现,伴随而来的还有噩梦和杀戮。被逼无奈之下,姐妹团决定召唤笔仙,一场中日鬼王之间的恶战再次掀起。
回复 :巴伦支生活在荷兰拥有海上霸权、被称为“海上马车夫”的时代。在阿姆斯特丹商会的支持下,巴伦支一生致力于开拓通过北冰洋的欧亚东北航道。《新地岛》一片用大量的篇幅讲述了他的船队受困新地岛与酷寒和北极熊作战的传奇经历,而以3D技术打造的中世纪大航海及冰原求生场景也颇为壮观。曾参演过《黑皮书》等片的荷兰资深影星德雷克·德·林特在片中出演探险家巴伦支。值得一提的是,《新地岛》是性感超模杜晨·科洛斯(Doutzen Kroes)进军大银幕的处女作,1985年日出生的杜晨,身高173厘米,出生于荷兰,身为“维多利亚的秘密”天使超模的她拥有着令全世界人就为之惊叹的完美身材,在美国版《VOGUE》的初次登场,便迷倒了欧美时尚界,一如罗茜·汉丁顿-惠特莉、黛安·克鲁格、嘉玛·沃德等超模一样,杜晨以《新地岛》试水大银幕转战电影圈,而她的加盟,无疑也令该片大受影坛关注。