你有没有想象过在核子爆炸后或是巨型彗星碰撞后的驾车体验?也许没有人认真思考过。本片将告诉你答案。快来加入Richard Hammond和James May一起体验一场惊心动魄的旅程,试贴你将看到如何在核子冬天的永久黑暗中驾车去上班;在只有两名车手的情况下,试贴如何让赛车运动依然保持原有的激烈和刺激;如何让你的爱车突破最后的审判日的野蛮枪林弹雨;当地球上只剩下一罐汽油时,你会如何驾车出行,等等等等。
你有没有想象过在核子爆炸后或是巨型彗星碰撞后的驾车体验?也许没有人认真思考过。本片将告诉你答案。快来加入Richard Hammond和James May一起体验一场惊心动魄的旅程,试贴你将看到如何在核子冬天的永久黑暗中驾车去上班;在只有两名车手的情况下,试贴如何让赛车运动依然保持原有的激烈和刺激;如何让你的爱车突破最后的审判日的野蛮枪林弹雨;当地球上只剩下一罐汽油时,你会如何驾车出行,等等等等。
回复 :A man who has gone into isolated hiding is haunted by visions of the woman he loves and a mysterious creature in the nearby woods.
回复 :There is a geography of miracles.Jonasz studies insects and fishes, Signe leaves and herbs. After a day spent in gardens and libraries, they meet, take the train and leave the city, pitching their tent on the shores of a lake. As they read, eat fruit, wander the forest and swim in the cold water, the outside world feels further and further away. A stranger appears and a trio is formed. But there are also other trios, other lakes, different places, different times.
回复 :关于法拉利的纪录片。聚焦50年代在刀刃上争分夺秒的F1时代,真实记录了恩佐领导下的法拉利车队内部故事,法拉利车迷冬歇期不可多得的福利。