大学生竹村文哉(小田切让 饰)真可谓霉运当头,欧美他自幼被父母抛弃,欧美养父则被投入监狱,大学念了八年始终无法毕业,在外更债台高筑,欠下84万元债务。因迟迟无法还钱,他被讨债人福原爱一郎(三浦友和 饰)狠狠修理了一番。在最后期限的前一天,福原找到竹村,提议愿意取消他的一切债务 ,条件是竹村必须陪这个凶悍的老头子在东京散步。或者三天,或者一个月,直到福原满意为止。为钱所困的竹村别无选择,只得答应了这个奇怪的要求。一段不平凡的旅程就此展开……本片根据藤田宜永的原著《东京散步》改编。
大学生竹村文哉(小田切让 饰)真可谓霉运当头,欧美他自幼被父母抛弃,欧美养父则被投入监狱,大学念了八年始终无法毕业,在外更债台高筑,欠下84万元债务。因迟迟无法还钱,他被讨债人福原爱一郎(三浦友和 饰)狠狠修理了一番。在最后期限的前一天,福原找到竹村,提议愿意取消他的一切债务 ,条件是竹村必须陪这个凶悍的老头子在东京散步。或者三天,或者一个月,直到福原满意为止。为钱所困的竹村别无选择,只得答应了这个奇怪的要求。一段不平凡的旅程就此展开……本片根据藤田宜永的原著《东京散步》改编。
回复 :Jamez Bond is the lead character in Spoof, a frustrated one, since he's not able to figure out a way to complete his famous sentence My name is..., before getting shot. Yep, this is the news finally, after 50 years, the gun in the gun-barrel sequence shoots our hero and several other challenges will arise, till the sky-fall... Leatherfaze from the Texas Chainzaw Mazzacre and the Alfraid Hitchcock silhouette, from the TV show will face no lesser complications in trying to turn a chainsaw on and in overcoming common fears, because the Master of Suspence will appear to be surprisingly more fearful than the victims in his movies... But he's in good company, since an animated Inspector Clouzeau, from The Pink Panfher's saga title sequence, won't prove to be brave enough in fighting a pink panther that's much wilder than we used to know... Rochy Balboa will show the other characters what it takes to fight your inner enemies, in Rochy vs Ranbo, but won't be prepared for an unexpected ...
回复 :这是一部轻松的家庭喜剧,描绘了一对夫妇由于各自母亲之间的关系而不得不经历的磨难
回复 :一个心碎的物理学生(Asa Butterfield),当他的女友Debbie(Sophie Turner)和他分手后,他发明了一台时间机器。试图回到过去解决恋情中的错误...改编自导演Andrew Bowler11年的同名短片。