顾婷婷(张瑜 饰)是在丝绸厂工作的女工,亚洲区一天,亚洲区她意外的得知自己的姑妈在去世之后将遗产留给了自己,就在顾婷婷准备继承遗产之际,顾婷婷的表姐(崔明月 饰)出现了,她将表妹告上了法庭,认为这份遗产应该属于自己。向萍(谢芳 饰)是负责审理这起案件的法官,为了了解实施情况,向萍找到了顾婷婷,几经盘问之后,顾婷婷终于决定说出真相。原来,顾婷婷自幼失去了父母,沦为孤儿,善良的姑妈收养了她。然而,在之后的文化大革命中,姑妈不幸逝世,表姐不愿意承担起抚养顾婷婷的责任,将她送回了老家。
顾婷婷(张瑜 饰)是在丝绸厂工作的女工,亚洲区一天,亚洲区她意外的得知自己的姑妈在去世之后将遗产留给了自己,就在顾婷婷准备继承遗产之际,顾婷婷的表姐(崔明月 饰)出现了,她将表妹告上了法庭,认为这份遗产应该属于自己。向萍(谢芳 饰)是负责审理这起案件的法官,为了了解实施情况,向萍找到了顾婷婷,几经盘问之后,顾婷婷终于决定说出真相。原来,顾婷婷自幼失去了父母,沦为孤儿,善良的姑妈收养了她。然而,在之后的文化大革命中,姑妈不幸逝世,表姐不愿意承担起抚养顾婷婷的责任,将她送回了老家。
回复 :During a cross-country lecture tour, notoriously acerbic radio personality Sheridan Whiteside slips on the icy steps of the house of the Stanleys, a prominent Ohio family, and is forced to recuperate in their home during the Christmas holidays. The overbearing, self-centered celebrity soon comes to dominate the lives of the residents and everyone else who enters the household. He encourages young adults Richard and June Stanley to pursue their dreams, much to the dismay of their conventional father Ernest.Meanwhile, Whiteside's spinster assistant Maggie Cutler finds herself attracted to local newspaperman Bert Jefferson. When she reads Bert's play, she is so impressed she asks Whiteside to show it to his contacts, and then announces she will quit his employment and marry Bert. However, her boss is loath to lose such an efficient aide and does his best to sabotage the blossoming romance...
回复 :女记者不顾生命安全追踪一桩命案,没想到却掀起一场巨大的风波.
回复 :年轻的画家雅克从乡间搭车前往巴黎。在到达巴黎的那个夜晚,他偶遇了正想投河自杀的玛尔特。雅克救下了她,并陪她回家,他们相约转天晚上再见面。第二个夜晚,雅克和玛尔特交换了彼此的人生故事,在玛尔特的请求下,雅克成了玛尔特和她情人间的信使。然而,那位绝情的情人并没回信,这让玛尔特非常失落。在接下来的两个夜晚,雅克对玛尔特的衷情终于得到回应,玛尔特也向雅克倾诉了爱意。第四个夜晚,正当两人挽手同行时,他们偶遇了玛尔特原来的情人…… 本片改编自费奥多尔·陀思妥耶夫斯基的短篇小说《白夜》。