唐僧师徒一行四人离开朱紫国,唯美途经一片庄园。唐僧执意亲自化缘,唯美遇见七个绣花玩耍的女子,然这些女子乃妖精所化,分别为:红蜘蛛(于倩 饰)、绿蜘蛛(沉依 饰)、金蜘蛛(刘亮华 饰)、黄蜘蛛(马海伦 饰)、蓝蜘蛛(尤倩 饰)、银蜘蛛(田梦 饰)、白蜘蛛(黄莎莉 饰)。她们得知唐僧身份后,遂将其虏入洞府,欲吃其肉求长生不老。悟空久候师傅不归,情知不妙,唤来土地知晓唐僧许被蜘蛛精所获,于是带领沙僧、八戒打上盘丝洞,解救师傅……
唐僧师徒一行四人离开朱紫国,唯美途经一片庄园。唐僧执意亲自化缘,唯美遇见七个绣花玩耍的女子,然这些女子乃妖精所化,分别为:红蜘蛛(于倩 饰)、绿蜘蛛(沉依 饰)、金蜘蛛(刘亮华 饰)、黄蜘蛛(马海伦 饰)、蓝蜘蛛(尤倩 饰)、银蜘蛛(田梦 饰)、白蜘蛛(黄莎莉 饰)。她们得知唐僧身份后,遂将其虏入洞府,欲吃其肉求长生不老。悟空久候师傅不归,情知不妙,唤来土地知晓唐僧许被蜘蛛精所获,于是带领沙僧、八戒打上盘丝洞,解救师傅……
回复 :The epic adventures of the legendary Baran the Bandit following his release from prison. After serving 35 years, it is no surprise that the world has changed dramatically. Still, Baran can't help but be shocked to discover that his home village is now underwater thanks to the construction of a new dam. He then heads for Istanbul to get revenge upon his former best friend, the man who snitched on him and stole his lover Keje. Along the way, Baran teams up with Cumali, a tough young punk who finds the thief's old-fashioned ways rather quaint. When Cumali gets into deep trouble with a crime boss, Baran adds another vengeful task to his roster.
回复 :63 歲的牙技師萩野谷幸三,是個半退休卻全心投入臨演工作的硬漢大叔,本片是他以新人之姿首次主演電影, 他是片中歷史劇「江戶之爪」的背景演員,卻是本片的鏡頭焦點,知名演員通通從主角變成了背景。不料空氣 般存在的臨演都比主角搶戲,際遇一個比一個離奇,他們演得忘情,忘記自己是個臨演,還不小心演得太賣力。
回复 :Izwan is a single father raising his son Biko. They get kicked out of their house for failure to pay rent. Irfan's best friend Sherry takes Biko for an audition with a famous singer, Sara. But who is Sara?