回复 :备考生永浩(姜河那 饰)已经经历了连续两次失败了,如今,他正在巨大的压力之下,准备着第三次的考试。这样按部就班枯燥乏味的生活让永浩感到非常的窒息,绝望之中,他想到了许久没有联系的朋友素妍。想要知道朋友近况的永浩写了一封信给素妍,没想到很快就收到了回复。实际上,素妍的境遇比永浩糟糕得多,她不仅没有能够考入理想的大学,而且如今身患重病,只能留在家中疗养。其实,给永浩回信的并非素妍,而是素妍的妹妹素熙(千玗嬉 饰),她冒用了姐姐的身份。一来二去之间,素熙和永浩通过信件结下了深厚的友谊,他们都将彼此视作生命中唯一的希望。
回复 :《狐踪谍影》改编自王建幸的热门同名小说,原著曾荣获“金盾文学奖”。讲述的是中国驻海外某国一公司董事长的女儿被绑架,被索要巨额赎金。该公司安保队长、退伍军人肖剑,为弥补自己的失职过错,维护国人尊严,协助该国警官莫泰历经艰险,消灭了恐怖分子,救出了同胞的感人故事。
回复 :Reassigned from TV to radio, a frustrated anchor sees both danger and opportunity when he receives threatening calls on the air.by:www.qujuji.comElectronic Media ExposedAnwar Says : An Anchor is an actor , Actor needs audience and audience need drama, these three lines expose the electronic media today in Ram Madhvani's release today DHAMAKA at Netflix. A remake of 2013 Korean Film 'The Terror Live 'and shot in only 10 days and the credit goes to Neerja and Aarya director and the Superstar in making Kartik Aaryan.Madhvani idea of filming is at loggerheads with the area the film is traversing, he is more into explosion , probably since the title is Dhamaka . I liked the way Aaryan Khan's initial life has been shown in the opening song . No other cast has been given much exposure and passing on the buck is the way of corporate life has been perfectly narrated . At points the movie seems going slow but suddenly picks up . Madhvani has been able to drumming up the tensions and also able to sustain it .A new trend set by Madhvani , the main cast carries the whole movie on his/her shoulder, whether it was Sonam Kapur or Sushmita Sen and now Kartik Aarayan . Watch it today after India- Newzealand 20-20 for stealing performance of Aaryan.#Netflix #anwarsays #DhamakaOnNetflix #kartikaaryan #movie2021 #moviereview #RamMadhvani #ElectronicMedia #sealink #explosion #tvanchor.