11岁的本恩觉得自己80多岁的奶奶只会嚼薄荷糖、精品玩拼字游戏,精品身上全是臭臭的圆白菜味儿,他讨厌和奶奶待在一起。但是有一天,奶奶要带他去冒险,本恩开始研究地下管道,练习游泳,学习各种逃生技巧……当他和奶奶一起就要完成冒险计划时,英国女王突然出现在他们面前,本恩面对的是惊喜还是灾难?本剧根据David Williams同名儿童书改编,Miranda Hart, Robbie Williams倾情客串,一同为大家献上欢乐的圣诞大餐!
11岁的本恩觉得自己80多岁的奶奶只会嚼薄荷糖、精品玩拼字游戏,精品身上全是臭臭的圆白菜味儿,他讨厌和奶奶待在一起。但是有一天,奶奶要带他去冒险,本恩开始研究地下管道,练习游泳,学习各种逃生技巧……当他和奶奶一起就要完成冒险计划时,英国女王突然出现在他们面前,本恩面对的是惊喜还是灾难?本剧根据David Williams同名儿童书改编,Miranda Hart, Robbie Williams倾情客串,一同为大家献上欢乐的圣诞大餐!
回复 :巴黎一连发生多起血腥暴力事件,一时间整座城市陷入了极度恐慌之中。巴黎警界两大部门BRI和OCU公开角力,势要将连番犯案的悍匪绳之于法。然而两支队伍的办事风格迥然各异,空缺的36总局局长位置也成了他们残酷竞争的导火索。BRI的首席警官莱奥(丹尼尔·奥特尤尔 Daniel Auteuil 饰)不惜帮线人隐瞒杀人犯罪的事实来获取情报,而OCU的首席警官丹尼斯(杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu 饰)更为了能亲手抓住劫匪以谋求权位而不择手段,伺机寻找机会整垮莱奥。终于,丹尼斯将莱奥告发,莱奥被判处8年监禁,妻子也因此丧命。失衡的道德线,罪恶背后的真相,刑满出狱的莱奥决定向丹尼斯展开不顾一切的复仇。根据真实事件改编的《警界争雄》荣获2005年第30届凯撒奖最佳影片在内的多项提名,成为2005年法国全年十大卖座电影之一,被称为法国版《无间道》。
回复 :Posing as a foppish coward, Diego, a Spanish nobleman, fights injustice in colonial California. Upon his return from Spain, Diego realizes that Captain Pasquale is terrorizing the district and levying unreasonable taxes. Disguised as Zorro - a masked Robin Hood-like swashbuckler - the young Spaniard menaces the local authorities to the delight of all the peasants. In the meantime, posing as the inept fop, he is able to move through society without being suspected.
回复 :Sixteen mustangs, four men, one dream: to ride border to border, Mexico to Canada, up the spine of the American West. The documentary tracks four fresh-out-of-college buddies as they take on wild mustangs to be their trusted mounts, and set out on the adventure of a lifetime. Their wildness of spirit, in both man and horse, is quickly dwarfed by the wilderness they must navigate: a 3000-mile gauntlet that is equally indescribable and unforgiving.