回复 :A special sideshow torture exhibit has the power, according to showman Dr. Diablo, to warn people of evil in their futures. As skeptical customers are shown the greed and violence they're hiding, one of them snaps and kills Diablo. When they run off, we see the murder to be staged as part of the show. One of the customers has hung around to see this, and wants to make a deal with Diablo, aka the Devil.A very good anthology of tales, written by Robert Bloch and directed by Freddie FRancis, for Amicus, an icon of this kind of movie. The tales are uneven, sure, but they are all at least good, till the perfect final one, the Man who collected Poe, with Jack Palance and Peter Cushing, a great idea, and a marvelous tale to watch. Very good Burgess Meredith as Diabolo the Great, the host for these tales. Unfortunately for us all, this kind of movies are a thing from the past and today we don't get any more gems like this. A must see
回复 :如果一个有黑手党背景、专做垃圾生意的大亨买了一支小联盟曲棍球队,并让他 17 岁的儿子负责,会发生什么?咆哮、斗殴、瘀伤、发狂······他们一度走红,却最终被美国联邦调查局重创。2004 年,吉米·加兰特在康涅狄格州丹伯里市创建了 UHL 冰球队“Trashers”,并让他痴迷于《野鸭变凤凰》的年少儿子 A.J. 担任总经理。(如果你觉得托尼和 A.J 听起来很耳熟,那是因为《黑道家族》就是以加兰特和他的家人为原型。)A.J. 想要创造一个将职业摔跤和《野鸭变凤凰》进行完美融合的组合 — “一个我最喜欢的英雄和恶棍的组合。”结果,这支不合群的球队凭借粗暴的赛场表现和破纪录的罚球时间,吸引了大批忠实的球迷(包括一些名人),ESPN 也对其进行了报道。但后来,美国联邦调查局对 Trashers 和吉米·加兰特亮出了红牌。
回复 :没落的护龙一族最后血脉封易凡,意外吞下了祖传秘宝九龙混天珠,神奇的诞下天赋异禀的龙九子,九子生便能语,各有不同,传说得此九人血肉炼化合一便可获得永生,于是遭到多方邪恶势力觊觎,由此一家人踏上了爆笑的逃亡之旅,逃亡途中经历生离死别让一家人得到了成长,也让天赋异禀的九子明白每个人存在的责任与使命,最终齐心协力守护人间。