力拔Coming of age tale told through the eyes of 'Tu', an ambitious young man from Auckland who dreams of being a professional hip-hop dancer.
力拔Coming of age tale told through the eyes of 'Tu', an ambitious young man from Auckland who dreams of being a professional hip-hop dancer.
回复 :How easy is it for desperate youngsters to become dangerous gangsters in a decaying society washed all over by the blood of war? Fairly easy indeed. Rane shows incidents, probably somewhat facts, that took place in Serbia of the war era. Things similar to what you see on this film could happen virtually everywhere, but this film gives a very Yugoslavian feeling to everything. Yugo style mafia, Yugo style murder, and all that. Revolting politicians and their greed are to blame, not only the desperate young men who lose their reasoning while trying to be someone. The film and the casting is overall successful, and it's so very Serbian. I recommend it to anyone who.. well anyone who likes a good film. But don't expect anything American style on this one, as I say it's Yugo to the bone.
回复 :主要讲述了缉毒大队长莫高(王铮饰)与贩毒集团头目陶三(李子雄饰)斗智斗勇,最终将贩毒集团一网打尽的故事。莫高在经历卧底同事惨烈的死亡后,不但职业生涯遭遇前所未有的危机,还与女友小茹(甘婷婷 饰)产生了巨大的隔阂。但是莫高始终坚信“毒品一日不绝,禁毒一日不止”,崇高的信仰给予他焕生的力量。在新卧底兄弟的帮助下,莫高步步为营,小心应对,将犯罪集团绳之以法。
回复 :1916年,阿拉伯大起义爆发。 英军中尉 Lawrence(Peter O'Toole 饰)受命登上阿拉伯半岛之后,决定带领阿拉伯人夺取亚喀巴。在穿越沙漠的过程中, Lawrence 力排众议孤身返回搭救了失踪的 Gasim(I.S. Johar 饰)。此举赢得了众人的尊敬,Ali ibn el Kharish(Omar Sharif 饰)沙里夫甚至让 Lawrence 换上了沙里夫的长袍,而 Lawrence 也欣然接受。可是阿拉伯部落间并不和睦,Harith 部的 Gasim 杀了 Howeitat 部的人,双方剑拔弩张。为了平息争端,Lawrence 亲手处决了 Gasim,而杀人的快感却让 Lawrence 感到不安。成功夺取亚喀巴之后,Lawrence 驼不停蹄地穿越西奈半岛回到开罗。Allenby(Jack Hawkins 饰)将军大喜过望,升 Lawrence 为少校,对其寄予厚望……