回复 :There isn't much crime in Stoneleigh, Massachusetts, a college town, a mountain getaway for the quietly rich. So when Edward Inman, owner of Stoneleigh Sentinel security, gets a late-night alarm from the home of one of his wealthiest clients, Doyle Cutler, he does a routine check and thinks nothing more of it—until a local student claims that she was sexually assaulted that night at Cutler’s house.Edward soon finds himself drawn into the girl's story, and his investigation leads him to his old girlfriend, whose teenage son may know the truth about what happened that night. Security is a timely, wry, and riveting story of adults and children, secret lives and civic culture, suspicion and sexual hysteria.
回复 :雷纳托·瓦伦卡斯扎,出生于20世纪50年代的米兰,这个高大帅气,有着迷人气质的男人却是一匹名震整个意大利的罪恶之狼。他自幼便是游走于灰色地带的法外之徒,成年后则与一干好哥们儿策划了一起抢劫。在此之后,他被警方逮捕,并且一人担下所有的罪名。在狱期间,雷纳托深爱的女人肯苏伊洛带着孩子另寻依靠,他则策划越狱,从新集结了一群胆大心黑的恶徒,干下了一连串震惊全国的抢劫事件。在这条黑色的道路上,雷纳托与伙伴们越走越远……本片根据意大利20世纪70年代臭名昭著的黑帮头目Renato Vallanzasca的生平改编。
回复 :《新·奥特曼》是圆谷株式会社、东宝株式会社、Khara联合制作,东宝株式会社发行的电影。该片由庵野秀明制片、编剧,樋口真嗣担任总导演和特技导演,斋藤工、长泽雅美、西岛秀俊主演,于2022年5月13日在日本上映。该片以现代社会为舞台,以能够体验存在“至今为止谁也没有见过的奥特曼”的世界为目标。