和草A Paris model must return to Madrid where her grandmother, who had brought her up, just had a stroke. But spending just a few days with this relative turns into an unexpected nightmare.
和草A Paris model must return to Madrid where her grandmother, who had brought her up, just had a stroke. But spending just a few days with this relative turns into an unexpected nightmare.
回复 :故事发生在解放前。旅居新加坡的司徒骏(张顺胜 饰)接到了一名香客安康的来信,声称要在乐山与他商量其父留下的信息。司徒骏匆匆回国,偶遇担任警长的老同学翁剑鸣,获悉这里风传乐山大佛周围藏有佛财,已有多人因此身亡。司徒骏的出现引起了多人注意,当地实力人物沙舵爷(葛存壮 饰)派人硬请;沙家的教师梦婕(刘晓庆 饰)暗中跟踪;翁剑鸣亦对他此行的动机颇为在意。司徒骏四处探访安康的下落,途中却又遭遇歹人袭击,幸有神秘人暗中相助。司徒骏终于得见安康真面目——亲叔叔海能法师,原来当年司徒骏之父为维修大佛筹集钱财,引起特务注意,最后与好友身死特务和沙舵爷之手。今日司徒骏若要为大佛取回佛财,面对的形势比当年还要凶险……
回复 :When Dylan Wilson purchases a collection of seven paintings to hang in his wealthy estate, he has no idea what horrors he has unleashed for himself, his wife; Gina, his college son; Louis, his teen-age daughter; Donna, and his two little kids. Only Father Mendale knows what evils lurk inside this deadly art and the history of Dorian Wilde; the artist who made a pact with dark forces when he created these paintings that represent the seven deadly sins. Now, anyone who comes in contact with these pictures are corrupted by Pride, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Envy, and Wrath. It's up to Father Mendale and Louis' girlfriend; Kim to save Dylan and his family before they are all destroyed by the Art of the Dead.
回复 :缉毒官员Newlyweds Miguel "Mike" Vargas(查尔登·海斯顿 Charlton Heston 饰)和他的妻子Susie(珍妮特·利 Janet Leigh 饰)来到了美国和墨西哥的边界。马路上发生了一起汽车爆炸事件,Vargas认为这起案件跟毒贩子有关,遂和当地的警察们一起展开了调查。Hank Quinlan(奥逊·威尔斯 Orson Welles 饰)是警察队长,在当地名声甚响。当地警方把嫌疑集中在一个叫Sanchez的人身上,Vargas却在Sanchez的家中发现了证明他不是犯人的证据。然而Quinlan执意认为Sanchez就是犯人。Vargas研究了以前Quinlan办过的案件,对这个赫赫有名的警察队长产生了不少疑问。而Vargas的妻子Susie在旅馆里却被一帮人所绑架并陷害,Vargas怀疑这一切的背后都是Quinlan在操纵。Vargas在和Quinlan的对抗中会有怎样的结局?本片由执导了《公民凯恩》的奥逊·威尔斯自编自导自演,共有三个版本:1958年发行的版本,1976年的加长版,1998年发现的可能更符合威尔斯想法的版本。