鲁南张庄,日韩86岁老人林郭氏,日韩身体硬朗,在农村老宅独自生活。林郭氏突发脑血栓,身体状况逐渐恶化。子女积极为老人操作敬老院入住事宜。敬老院床位紧张,只有等待敬老院有老人去世,按照老人的意愿,开始了到子女家轮流居住的短暂旅程。这一过程中,林郭氏中风摔倒,脑神经损伤,得了笑病。 敬老院终于有老人亡故,空出床位。却在去敬老院的前夕,林郭氏怀揣着全家福老照片溘然长逝。按照老风俗,儿孙们给她办了一场轰轰烈烈的喜丧。 生活重新开始,又是在重复昨天的故事……
鲁南张庄,日韩86岁老人林郭氏,日韩身体硬朗,在农村老宅独自生活。林郭氏突发脑血栓,身体状况逐渐恶化。子女积极为老人操作敬老院入住事宜。敬老院床位紧张,只有等待敬老院有老人去世,按照老人的意愿,开始了到子女家轮流居住的短暂旅程。这一过程中,林郭氏中风摔倒,脑神经损伤,得了笑病。 敬老院终于有老人亡故,空出床位。却在去敬老院的前夕,林郭氏怀揣着全家福老照片溘然长逝。按照老风俗,儿孙们给她办了一场轰轰烈烈的喜丧。 生活重新开始,又是在重复昨天的故事……
回复 :After the suicide of her only friend, Rachel has never felt more on the outside. The one person who reached out to her, Jessie, also happens to be part of the popular crowd that lives to torment outsiders like her. But Rachel has something else that separates her from the rest, a secret amazing ability to move things with her mind. Sue Snell, the only survivor of Carrie White's rampage twenty-two years ago, may hold the key to helping Rachel come to terms with her awesome, but unwanted power. But as Rachel slowly learns to trust, a terrible trap is being laid for her. And making her angry could prove to be fatal.
回复 :英国《视与听》杂志2015年度十佳电影的NO.6,也是比利时女导演香特尔•阿克曼的遗作,一部关于去世的母亲的纪录片。
回复 :一位疯狂而变态的母亲,带领着他的两个儿子回到原来的住所,并恐吓甚至屠杀房子里的新主人以及他们的客人