回复 :
回复 :Stine and Teit, your average urban middle-class artists and intellectuals, leave Copenhagen for the wilds of neighbouring Sweden’s forest. Soon, they find out that something is strange there – most disturbingly – when their son Nemo suddenly thinks his mother isn’t really his mother anymore. It becomes clear once Stine and Teit discover that they have neighbours who look exactly like them – mirror images made flesh and blood.The subject of reflections and doubles is introduced in the film’s first shot: a view of a lake landscape turned 90° so that the water’s surface runs vertically through the image’s centre. Only once the shot gets tilted is it revealed which side mirrors which. Later, a mother and child are reflected in a glass door.However, this is not your doppelganger thriller of the gothic variety. Note the title: in physics, superposition means (per Merriam-Webster) "the combination of two distinct physical phenomena of the same type (such as spin or wavelength) so that they coexist as part of the same event". This is more a metaphysical meditation towards the realisation that none of us is ever alone, but also never unique.
回复 :本片采用电视剧和纪录片相结合的艺术手法,将中国公安战线上的二级英雄,被称为“中国的福尔摩斯”的涂尚国等英模人物最充满神奇和悬疑的惊心动魄的断案经历搬上了荧屏。本剧由十三个扑朔迷离的迷案组成,向观众展示十三次惊心动魄的生死较量![目录]一.情殇二.四把血刀三.被害人失踪之谜四.噩梦之谜五.一场婚外情事导致的悲剧六.夜半枪声七.欲望与爱情八.板凳奇案九.火灾背后十.鞋印十一.金库谜案十二. 谁是凶手十三. 半枚血指纹