回复 :电影讲述喀麦隆旅游摄影爱好者尤克怀着对中国奇山异水的向往,来到中国四川,在旅游途中巧遇营山残疾村医侯方杰,他对奔波在山间小路的这位“风衣老人”产生了极大的兴趣,并逐渐被这个拄着拐杖的七旬乡村医生吸引,在对老中医精湛医术感到惊诧的同时,也产生了深深的敬意,后来拜侯方杰为师学医,发现了侯方杰救助留守儿童、空巢老人、贫困群众一个个感人故事。
回复 :11月20日,聊斋系列院线电影“聊斋新编四部曲”(《聊斋新编之画皮人》《聊斋新编之婴宁》《聊斋新编之辛十四娘》《聊斋新编之鸦头》)在象山影视城开机。电影由尹波执导,无限精彩(无锡)影业公司,安徽泽深影业,杭州宝行文化出品
回复 :An uplifting and heartwarming story about finding the magic of Christmas, no matter where you might be, This Is Christmas follows Adam (Alfred Enoch) and Emma (Kaya Scodelario) as they make their daily commute from the picture-perfect village of Langton to London for work. Every day they share their journey with the same characters, but they all keep themselves to themselves. But then one day, in the build-up to Christmas, Adam breaks the unwritten rule of travel and starts talking to the strangers on the train, inviting the whole carriage to hold their own Christmas party.