回复 : 马修·古迪加盟历史动作片[中世纪]。本片由捷克导演彼得·雅克尔([食尸鬼])自编自导,卡司还有本·福斯特、蒂尔·施威格、迈克尔·凯恩。故事聚焦14世纪捷克民族英雄约翰·杰式卡(福斯特饰),他组建的改革大军曾抵抗条顿骑士团与神圣罗马帝国军队。古迪饰演匈牙利和克罗地亚国王西吉斯蒙德。
回复 :Quién lo impide is a call to change our perception of adolescents and youths; our idea of those born in the early 21st century who have recently reached adulthood; those who now seem guilty of everything as they themselves see their hopes dashed. Somewhere between documentary, fiction and pure testimonial record, the young adolescents show themselves the way they really are, the way we rarely see them, or the way they let us see them: taking advantage of the film camera to show off the best of themselves and renew our trust in the future; from fragility and emotion, with humour, intelligence, beliefs and ideas. Because the young people who speak to us about love, friendship, politics or education refer not only to their own situation, but to the things that always matter to us, at any age. Quién lo impide is a film about ourselves: about what we were, what we are and what we will continue to be.
回复 :清朝年間,少林與武當都擁有極多高手。少林以反清復明為志,武當派則甘作滿清鷹犬,因而兩派處於敵對局面。旗人青年童千斤(羅莽),因自幼是孤兒,遭受同族欺侮,故對族人懷恨極深,投身少林寺習武。他聯絡同門師兄弟胡惠乾(江生)等進行反清復明工作。武當派高手為了對付少林弟子,亦派出門下弟子分批下山,與童相遇掀起一場又一場的打鬥……