湖往黄金Malaal is the story of Shiva and Astha, two very different people from contrasting backgrounds who experience the innocence of love. Does their love find its destination qiwan.cc or do they part ways? Stay on this journey to find out.
湖往黄金Malaal is the story of Shiva and Astha, two very different people from contrasting backgrounds who experience the innocence of love. Does their love find its destination qiwan.cc or do they part ways? Stay on this journey to find out.
回复 :年少时期的Ashley收到父亲的侵害,从而变得越来越孤僻,同时开始自残。在网络上遇见一个名叫Candice的女人。与她的交流中,Ashley变得越来越好...
回复 :教书匠之女爱奴(何莉莉饰)被拐卖到妓院“四季春”,因其容貌脱俗,个性刚烈,遂得鸨母春姨(贝蒂饰)另眼相看。春姨稳坐四季春第一把交椅,与同僚包虎(佟林饰)共同经营。包虎一直深爱春姨,却无法如愿。只因春姨癖好独特,专好女色,嗜女如命。爱奴的出现让春姨眼前一亮,遂百般威逼利诱,要将其培养成头牌。为保清白,爱奴誓死不从。势单力薄,春姨强迫其接客,爱奴惨遭众豪绅蹂躏。身心俱创的爱奴只求一死,却被哑巴少年救下,原来少年只是装哑,实则另有苦衷。二人潜逃被抓,少年为救爱奴而死。爱奴为复仇,于是违心就范。一面讨好春姨,投其所好成为其同性爱侣。一面随其学习武功奇技。孤女的复仇计划能否成功?楚原导演奇情武侠的开山之作,精彩绝伦,成为国际电影史上的一枝奇葩。
回复 :This is the epic, untold story of how same-sex marriage became law of the land. Documenting one of the greatest civil rights stories of our time, THE FREEDOM TO MARRY is a nail-biting, behind-the-scenes story that traces the marriage equality movement's historic progress, and reveals the masterminds of the movement as they lead the fight to win same sex marriage throughout the United States. This is an inspirational tale of how people can actually make a difference and ultimately, a powerful playbook for social change.