回复 :BBC纪录片,带领我们回顾以色列这个国家的诞生,分析了1949年引发以色列独立战争的事件,以及对阿拉伯、中东关系的影响。本片用一个小时的时间简要向我们分析了当今中东问题的历史根源。History, Sociopolitical Documentary hosted by Jeremy Bowen and published by BBC in 2008 - English narrationJeremy Bowen presents a look back at the creation of the state of Israel, examining the the events leading up to the Israeli war of Independence in 1949, its impact on Arab/Israeli relations and the implications for the Middle East.This description doesn't do this documentary justice. It's a one hour crash course in some of the underlying causes of the current problems in the Middle East.
回复 :The film homes in on 18-year-old Alex who’s been a fan of the Arthur fantasy film series since he was a child. When his close-knit group of friends surprises him with trip to an abandoned house where the film was shot, they unwittingly walk headlong into a twisted, mortal trap. What was once a childhood dream soon turns into a very real nightmare...
回复 :一帮老友驾驶一艘豪华游艇出海为好友庆生,酒足饭饱之后,大家开始一个个跳入海中游泳。患有恐水症的艾米(苏珊·梅·普拉特 Susan May Pratt 饰)被抛入海水之后引起一阵恐怖,大家想赶紧把她送回船上,可是这才发现居然没人记得放下梯子。船身太高,一伙人想尽办法都不能爬上船去。此时,留在船上的只有一个婴儿,蓝天碧海对于悬浮于海面的六个老友来说变成了绝境,死亡的阴影在满是恐慌的人们之间迅速蔓延。看着好友一个个死去,一息尚存的人们仍然在寻找着最后的生机。暮色将至,一场暴风雨即将来临,是否有人能够穿越死亡的阴霾爬上游艇,生与死的较量在茫茫海面悲情上演。