回复 :故事发生在未来世界之中,彼时,一种凭空出现的名叫“HUGE”的生命体让人类的命运走到了濒临灭绝的边缘。就在此时,世界各国联合起来发明了能够同HUGE抗衡的武器,而只用这些武器的少女面则被称之为莉莉。 很快,在世界各地便建立起了培养莉莉的专门学校“Garden”,每个学校都有着自己的名字和特点,我们的女主角一柳梨璃(赤尾光 培养)便就读于百合丘女学院。待人冷淡极具个性的白井梦结(夏吉优子 配音)、含着金汤匙出生的千金大小姐努韦尔(井泽美香子 配音)、拥有超高智商和广阔的知识面的二川二水(西本里美 配音),在学校里,梨璃结识了这些并肩作战的同伴们。
回复 :Docu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved.Episode GuideSeason 1 Episode 6:Screaming Eagles in AfghanistanHow the 101st Airborne Division, also known as the Screaming Eagles, faced the Taliban in Afghanistan during Operation Dragon Strike in 2010Season 1 Episode 5:Beheading the TalibanHow American soldiers faced an intense battle in September 2006 against nearly 1,000 Taliban fighters in AfghanistanSeason 1 Episode 4:Road to BaghdadDocumentary that captures the conflict from the American soldier's point of view in the 21-day bloody battle for BaghdadSeason 1 Episode 3:Tet OffensiveDocu-drama examining the Tet Offensive of 1968, during which an elite band of US Special Operations troops was called in to rescue civilians trapped in the border town of Chau DocSeason 1 Episode 2:FallujahDocu-drama recalling Operation Phantom Fury in 2004, launched by the US and its allies to counter extremists in Fallujah, one of Iraq's most volatile citiesSeason 1 Episode 1:Search & DestroyDocu-drama exploring well-known conflicts from the perspective of the soldiers involved. In the first edition, troops of the US 4th Infantry Division run into a massive force of Vietnamese soldiers on the Cambodian border in 1967
回复 :主持人 Chad Houseknecht 是发明家,武器历史学家 Mike Loades 每周都会选择另一种历史武器。在 Loads 探索其历史的同时(经常去采访现代实践者的国家),Houseknecht 尝试使用现代技术对其进行改进。在每集的结尾,都会进行新版本的挑战测试。在这一系列非常刺激的节目中,科技与历史将进行正面碰撞,我们将看到改变世界的武器,亲眼见证其强大力量。但古代的工匠们做对了吗?我们能否用现代材料、科学与技术制造出更加精良的武器?或者古代工匠看似简单的方法实际上就是最好的选择,且能经受住时间的考验?本节目共10集……日本武士刀(Pilot - Katana)罗马蝎弩(Roman Scorpion)梭标投射器(Atlatl)双轮战车弓箭(Chariot Bow)印度轮刃(The Deadly Chakram)吹矢枪(Blow Gun)中国连弩(Repeating Crossbow)燧发手枪(Duelling Pistols)希腊火(Greek Fire)火箭(Hell Rocket)