回复 :电影《钢铁玫瑰》是以政法系统、检察系 统的典型英模人物,昌平区人民检察院检 察官彭燕同志公正执法、创新进取、廉洁 自律、敢于同病魔做斗争的感人事迹为原 型,以树立检察官执法为民的光辉形象, 彰显社会和谐、弘扬社会正气,宣传党和 政府的执政能力为题材的非盈利性影片。 影片通过彭燕同志处理的几起大案要案, 生动地表现了女检察官的真诚、热情、机 智和勇敢。当她身患癌症病倒之后,她想 到的仍是一起起没有处理的案子。影片通 过一个个感人故事,用过去时与进行时相 结合的艺术手段,生动地表现了女检察官 热爱司法事业,热爱人民的光辉一面,也 以抒情的感人段落表现了女检察官爱亲人 爱小家的的柔情似水……
回复 :这一年的不容易谁能懂?自打挂职到市检察院,韩明(雷佳音 饰)的糟心事就接二连三。儿子韩雨辰(刘耀文 饰)打了校领导(张译 饰)儿子并拒绝道歉,妻子李茂娟(马丽 饰)义愤填膺继而揍了校领导,补刀成功;搭档吕玲玲(高叶 饰)分歧不断,案件久拖不决;又一起案件相关人郝秀萍(赵丽颖 饰)被逼入绝境,万分危急。情与法的较量在展开,事业与家庭的平衡在进行,韩明决定赌上一切,用自己的方式给公平和正义一个说法……
回复 :Barefoot roadtrip around Guinea in search of the first film made by a local filmmaker. A charming and cinematic adventure, where the journey and the destination are equally important, and a film about collective memory and porous film reels.Does a film exist if no one has seen it? Guinean film director Thierno Souleymane Diallo goes on a barefoot road trip around his country to find the mythical 1953 film ‘Mouramani’ – the first Guinean film made by a local filmmaker. But it is not easy to find the film or anyone who has seen it for that matter. Some believe it is about the Islamisation of the Mandinka people. Others that it is about the relationship between a dog and its owner. Along the way, Diallo passes old, abandoned cinemas and dusty piles of moisture-damaged film reels. ‘The Cemetery of Cinema’ is a charming, cinematic adventure in which the journey is almost as important as the destination, and where the encounters along the way remind us of the importance of preserving a shared memory and culturel heritage.