国产Doug Baily's father is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too. Its a roller coaster ride of fun and hijinks as Doug tries to turn his invisible dad back to normal again
国产Doug Baily's father is weird, but a strange machine in the garage now makes him invisible too. Its a roller coaster ride of fun and hijinks as Doug tries to turn his invisible dad back to normal again
回复 :科学家赵谦教授倾注了毕生心血终于成功研制出了高效原子电池,可是,正当他准备把成果奉献给祖国之时,却遭人暗杀,电池落入了他的准女婿陈天虹(乔榛 饰)的手中。陈天虹一路保护着电池,却遭到了特务沙布罗夫(庞万灵 饰)的袭击,就在生死存亡的紧要关头,一道神秘的激光救了陈天虹一命。陈天虹来到了一座小岛之上,在这里居住着科学家马太博士(乔奇 饰),那道救了陈天虹一命的激光,就来自于马太博士所研制出的激光器。意图利用发明实行不轨的维纳斯公司来到了小岛,企图夺取资料并将小岛炸毁,陈天虹和马太博士联手,和敌人展开了激烈的对抗。
回复 :A scientist builds a massive ark after his warnings of an Earth-destroying flood are ignored. But when it's evident the disaster will occur, those who maligned the scientist now turn to him in desperation, boarding the ark and seeking his answers before the world drowns in a never ending sea.
回复 :讲述天生带电的刘雷(吴建豪饰)在一次意外中失控,使自己的父亲丧生火海,同时失去了带电能力。刘雷备受打击,从此封闭内心,直到一个同样带电的小孩小宝(刘厶铭饰)的出现,使刘雷终于恢复了电能。此时,一支黑暗势力悄悄盯上了他们……