回复 :Felicity Porter为了追寻高中时暗恋的男友Ben,放弃了去斯坦福医学院的机会,来到3000公里以外的纽约只为了和Ben在一起。可是Ben连Felicity的名字都不一定记得起。面对离开父母后独立的新生活,真实的展现了大学生活,及Felicity和她的新朋友们步入成年后面对人生的种种重大选择。
回复 :
回复 :In the series opener we meet Nancy Botwin, a recently widowed suburban soccer mom who's dealing pot to make ends meet; Nancy flips out when she discovers Josh, one of her competitors, is dealing to 10 year-olds at her youngest son's school, but she soon discovers a bigger skeleton in Josh's closet; Nancy is stunned when Quinn, her rival Celia's 15 year old daughter, asks her permission to have sex with her 15 year old son, Silas; Celia thinks her Nanny-Cam is the perfect solution to keep the kids celibate, but she ends up seeing much more than she bargained for.