回复 :一位喜剧演员打破禁忌,对民族悲剧发表即兴演说,然后以煽动性的方式讲出事实,没有什么比这再黑暗的主题了。
回复 :Following last year's successful documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this new thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. This revealing documentary explores the world of transsexuals in Thailand, and follows two Americans who travel to Bangkok for sex change surgery, and a British ex-pat looking for love.
回复 :四十歲往往被女性視為人生分水嶺,遲婚、高齡生育等問題固然困擾,單身一族還要花盡心思,務求在感情市場保持競爭力。踏入「女人四十」的田蕊妮,分別邀請年紀相近的車婉婉、谷祖琳、杜如風及多位圈外素人現身說法。阿田還以第一身角度探討、體驗女士們熱切關注的生理及心理疑難,為廣大「中女」排難解憂,讓姊妹們衝破年齡界限,活出自信!譚俊彥、黎諾懿等男士亦會加入討論互動,從男人觀點細談兩性議題,帶出男女四十大不同。