卧底After losing his wife and three kids, all Kyle wants is to mourn in peace. Unfortunately, his family insists on helping him
卧底After losing his wife and three kids, all Kyle wants is to mourn in peace. Unfortunately, his family insists on helping him
回复 :从越南逃出的John(任达华 饰)在哥哥的菲律宾货轮上帮忙,谁知哥哥却从事杀人越货的勾当,赚钱无数却血债累累。某日,货轮前往香港途中,遭遇一群被困海上的越南难民。船员假意搭救他们,却在难民上船后亮出屠刀。John认出当年好友Garry(周景扬 饰),拼死将其救下,Garry则在撞击中失去记忆。货轮在香港码头受到盘查,身份不明的Garry打伤警察,跳船逃跑,导致货轮被当局扣下。船长一众唯恐Garry吐露杀人越货内幕,派出船员寻找追杀。随后数日,码头接连发生多宗凶杀案。香港警队女督察(杨丽菁 饰)侦查得知与逃跑的Garry有关,立即展开追捕,却在这一过程中发现其中另有隐情……
回复 :Cairo和Gavreel歷經千辛萬苦在一起後,Gavreel的阿姨突然出現,並阻止兩人的交往;與此同時,Cairo也即將離開,前去跟家人同住,兩人的戀情面臨重重考驗,這次他們能否堅持下去?
回复 :A Mexican boy smuggles himself to Brooklyn to meet his long-lost father - only to have his identity stolen upon arrival by an impostor who seeks to steal the fathers' fortune.