回复 :千百年前,妖帝被人族强者所伤,灵魂逃逸,强行夺舍寄居于人族帝王的身上,从此之后,帝国战乱不断,忠臣离心。在这乱世之中,蓝鲤镇的叶氏家族,更是受尽欺凌苦难。叶氏宗族子弟叶星河身负族人希望,开启了星武传承,从此他的人生轨迹开始了改变。带领族人平战乱,重振朝纲。这是一段乱世的冒险,热血少年的侠义故事。
回复 :Kai Nagisa, a normal high school girl who wishes to one day become a professional wrestler, is suddenly approached by a robot known as an Iczel. Iczel urges her to help save the Earth from invading aliens called Geas. The Geas, led by Chaos and Cross, are bent on stripping Earth's resources and then destroying it. To fight the invaders, Nagisa must merge with Iczel and become a battle-suited warrior named "Iczelion". She is reluctant to take up this sudden unbelievable task and fight with the other Iczelions of Earth because Nagisa just wants to live a normal life without having such big responsibilities. Nagisa must overcome her fears and fight, together with other Iczelions, to prevent the invading alien forces from destroying their homeplanet, Earth.
回复 :《一骑当千》是由日本动画公司J.C.STAFF制作的电视动画作品,于2003年7月30日播放,全13话。作品改编自漫画家盐崎雄二的同名漫画。