仔仔Writing the perfect suicide note isn't easy. Murdering a garage full of people is also pretty hard. But getting your victims to like you while you kill them, that's the really tricky part.
仔仔Writing the perfect suicide note isn't easy. Murdering a garage full of people is also pretty hard. But getting your victims to like you while you kill them, that's the really tricky part.
回复 :一种致命病毒如野火燎原般在全球蔓延,整个世界处于封闭、封控、封锁状态,世界各地的城市里的人们生活在恐惧和混乱之中,他们在被迫的孤寂中苦苦挣扎,不惜一切代价为生存而斗争。。。
回复 :Bill Kiowa (Montgomery Ford) is released after a five-year prison term for a crime he did not commit. The bandit El Fego (Tatsuya Nakadai), who did the actual crime, also killed Kiowa's young Native American wife. Once free, Kiowa raises a gang to go after the man who framed him. An Italian western in the A FISTFUL OF DOLLARS mold with a better than average cast, which includes Bud Spencer in the debut of his heavy-handed character (later made famous in the TRINITY series) and the outstanding Japanese actor Tatsuya Nakadai, famous for his role in Akira Kurosawa's KAGEMUSHA. Written by horror-meister Dario Argento and presented here in the English-language version (which, considering it was filmed MOS with an international cast, is nearly as "original dialogue" as its Italian-language counterpart).
回复 :在2034年,杨俊康教授发明了T芯片,植入T芯片的人类,不再产生疾病,医疗芯片集团普世公司垄断了T芯片专利技术后,将芯片移植技术推广到了普罗大众,使人类开始依赖T芯片。十年过后,一只神秘的雇佣兵组织袭击了普世集团总部,并极其残酷的杀死了总部除了杨俊康孙女杨小青之外的大多数人,并将一种从未见过的芯片病毒植入到了中心控制台中。一瞬间所有已经移植过T芯片的新型人类全部瘫痪,生命岌岌可危。