回复 :They are in everything from computers to smartphones, from toasters to washing machines: Microprocessors are essential for so many consumer goods to function and now arguably underpin the world economy more than oil.When the pandemic hit it highlighted how much Western countries rely on the chip industry. Today Europe, America and China are involved in an intense commercial struggle to dominate this sector that is so strategic for the future. From Taiwan to Shanghai, via Brussels and San Francisco, investigative journalist Nicolas Vescovacci went to meet the most influential players in this microchip war, which is redefining world geopolitics.Narrator: Damien BoisseauProducer: Michäel Sztanke
回复 :二十世纪八十年代中期,古都北京在改革开放的大潮中一派繁荣景象。 新中国第一批红领巾梁若岚、闵湘珠、冯如珠、冯如乾、钱三立、侯乐天、娄英甲、谷之枫、潘越等人如今已是不惑之年。他们当中有小学教师、工程师、科学家、演员、法律工作者,也有文化馆小干事和绿茵场上的教练员。他们学识、职业不同,性格情趣也各有差异,但是,几十年如一日,都在各自的岗位上默默地耕耘着;他们生活经历不同,有顺境有逆境,有成功的欢乐,也有失败的苦闷,但是,他们从不怨天尤人,以“虽九死犹未悔”的执着精神,湾下身子把肩头的纤绳绷得更紧,以自己的脊梁作砖瓦,建设共和国的大厦。 现在,与共和国一起成长的第一批红领巾们,正在为祖国跨世纪的一代孩子们创造更美好的未来。他们甘愿用自己的一片赤诚,让孩子们踩着自己的肩膀,向更高的顶峰攀登!
回复 :A social worker takes a withdrawn homeless boy into her care, not suspecting that he is a vampire.