电影《把哥哥退货可以吗》故事叙述了废柴哥哥查(Sunny饰)跟模范生妹妹珍(Yaya饰)从小争斗到大,亚洲但又鲁又废的他在优秀的妹妹面前任何事都占不了上风,亚洲唯有恶搞妹妹为乐,尤其是在妹妹谈恋爱时,常摆出兄长的架子来逞威风。而这次珍努力发展与日泰混血帅哥小饼(尼坤 饰)的恋情,但查却因不满妹妹的选择,决定要出招来恶搞这对小情人!势死保卫爱情的珍又该如何接招!
电影《把哥哥退货可以吗》故事叙述了废柴哥哥查(Sunny饰)跟模范生妹妹珍(Yaya饰)从小争斗到大,亚洲但又鲁又废的他在优秀的妹妹面前任何事都占不了上风,亚洲唯有恶搞妹妹为乐,尤其是在妹妹谈恋爱时,常摆出兄长的架子来逞威风。而这次珍努力发展与日泰混血帅哥小饼(尼坤 饰)的恋情,但查却因不满妹妹的选择,决定要出招来恶搞这对小情人!势死保卫爱情的珍又该如何接招!
回复 :《世界末日生存指南》是一部以欧文(格雷戈·格伦伯格 Greg Grunberg 饰)和史蒂夫(尼尔·格雷斯通 Neil Grayston 饰)为主角的喜剧片。这两个人在一家音像店工作,他们是科幻电影的狂热爱好者,对世界末日的理论了解得非常透彻。然而,尽管欧文非常擅长记住电影明星的生日,却忘记了自己女朋友赛琳娜(卡罗琳·凯芙 Caroline Cave 饰)的生日,甚至没有为她准备礼物。就在这个时候,世界末日真的降临了,而这两个宅男必须利用他们通过电影学到的知识来拯救地球。他们展开了一系列滑稽而又令人捧腹的行动,试图阻止世界末日的来临。他们寻找电影中的线索,使用电影中的战斗技能,与此同时,欧文还要试图恢复与赛琳娜之间的关系,他们的任务异常艰巨。
回复 :神秘的千年古城--传说中的天使之都,一座失落五百多年的神气佛国宝物引发了一场紧张过瘾的夺宝大战。国际黑帮组织动员大批精英,恐怖的土著挖眼族神出鬼没,中国工夫挑战西洋搏击,现代武器对抗毒箭陷阱,象阵巨蟒拼斗快车飞船,全片泰国实地拍摄,情节刺激惊险引人入胜。好小子至泰国探望叔公,小胖巧遇为歹人追杀的少女芭雅, 芭雅将众人追索的金蛇项链塞给了小胖, 令三位好小子无意中卷入一场夺宝风波。好小子义助芭雅击退众歹, 芭雅带着项链径自曼谷访父亲友黑皮告知项链之谜。歹人失去芭雅踪迹, 遂绑叔公为胁,好小子与歹人一番恶斗, 黑皮及时来救众人脱险。众人避至芭雅幼居的育幼院, 闻知育幼院因经费不足面临关闭解散之境, 众人由此更坚寻宝之心, 历经千辛万苦和歹人追杀, 众人寻得智者, 得知宝藏原藏在曼谷。众人回至曼谷按图索骥, 寻得宝藏, 然歹人跟至, 双方又是一场惊心动魄的大战,好小子大显神威, 力歼众歹。将宝藏赠予育幼院后, 小子挥别芭雅, 挥别泰国, 踏上另一奇异的旅程。
回复 :A brief trip back home turns into a longer stay when Eric finds himself caught between catching up with his two sisters and conquering his old poker group. The more Eric extends his visit to prove that he is still the best poker player in town, the harder it becomes to steer clear of the old fault lines in his relationship with his sister Rachel. As their little sister Maggie attempts to recreate the intimate world they once shared, Eric and Rachel are faced with the divide between their childhood selves and the adults they have now become.Displaying all the sensitivity and wicked humour of his previous works, Dustin Guy Defa’s new film is a shrewd study of the pitiless condition known as adulthood. After growing up in a family unit that constitutes your whole world, with its particular set of habits and a shared language, crossing the border into the realm of adults can feel disempowering, even terrifying. A sense of loss may be difficult to ever really overcome. The film’s meticulous structure and novelistic depth lay bare this fundamental fear, but also the resources that exist to fight it. Setting about this treasure hunt deep within as individuals and as a family is an admirable trio of actors whose interpretation is as nuanced as it is poignant.