回复 :At ground zero of the green rush, The Denver Post became the first major media outlet to appoint a marijuana editor. Policy news, strain reviews, parenting advice and edible recipes are the new norm in the unprecedented world of pot journalism.
回复 :我佛慈悲,普渡众生;万人信奉的缅甸高僧维拉图,弘扬的佛法却是顺我者生,逆我者亡。菩提树下修行出孽魔恶道,端坐权力祭坛,右手支颐高举和平公义,左手捏指挑起反伊斯兰仇恨,煽动种族清洗罗兴亚人。佛光昭昭下生灵涂炭,令番红花革命染上血色,昂山素姬的民主光环幻灭。始于《独裁者阿敏的自画像》(1974),续于《魔鬼大状》,施罗德终以「佛教恐怖面相」 的曼陀罗完成「邪恶轴心」三部曲。人在做,天在看, 无畏无惧以镜头直视邪恶本相:心若囚笼,苍生难渡。
回复 :Michael is a successful actor, but he has a scandal in his past: at a tender age he knifed his father to death. He and his girlfriend Deborah go to his mother's for the weekend, and are joined by the director and others from a recent film project, who are given a rather cool reception by the superstitious housekeeper Oliver. Soon rude things begin happening to some of the guests, and Michael fears a repeat of his nightmare past is in progress