回复 :护士简尼开着刚刚从修车部取来的车,去姐姐家接孩子到妈妈家,因为不能按时取车而又必须赶着开会的网络公司经理艾德搭乘她的车一同上路。途中,一个滑板小子撞在车前,他的滑板坏了,身体受了轻伤,于是又多了一个搭车者。途中,车子一连出瑞突然加速现象,且无法控制。以80、90迈的速度,车子象一只炮弹在公路上急驰。所有的办法都失败了,车子还是停不下来。在警方的导引下,为他们开辟了专用车道。在忠于职守的警员陪伴下,车子沿着州际公路不断飞驰。警方决定用直升机从车子的天窗救出孩子先……
回复 :何佩卿被恶汉张桂华迫害,沦为歌女。后卿结识李锦元,华怂恿元母阻止二人相恋,元抑郁成疾。卿虽身在风尘,却洁身自爱,并苦心供助胞妹佩玲完成学业,终打动元母。
回复 :As the daughter of an underground hip-hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri's got massive shoes to fill. But it's hard as she is labeled a hoodlum at school, and faces financial crisis after her mom loses her job. So Bri pours her anger and frustration into her first song, which goes viral, for all the wrong reasons. Bri soon finds herself at the center of a controversy, portrayed by the media, but with an eviction notice staring down her family, Bri doesn't just want to make it, she has to. Even if it means becoming the very thing the public has made her out to be.