回复 :《守望者》导演新作,讲述在不久的将来韩半岛再次受到经济冲击,进而出现巨大的贫民街。为了生活下去,在这条街上的年轻人不惜以身试法的故事。
回复 :岳正宇在同学聚会上偶遇了失联多年的患难初恋,影星兰汀儿。得知兰汀儿身处被粉丝跟踪的危机后义不容辞展开援手,重燃对兰汀儿的深厚感情。殊不知掉入兰汀儿处心积虑设好的圈套。
回复 :Nick Pearson is a life-long bachelor who is finally settling down. On the brink of his wedding he is surprised to find he has a 13 year old son who has come to find his him through the help of a psychic. The problem is Nick can't stand kids and would happily send the boy back to live with his biological mother, except that no one has any clue who that might be. Having nowhere t...