回复 :朋友们来到大使拉法尔(费尔南多•雷依 Fernando Rey 饰)家中做客,但是他们记错了晚餐的时间。毫无准备的拉法尔夫人(德菲因•塞里格 Delphine Seyrig 饰)对此深表遗憾,但是大家谈兴正浓,于是在外面聚餐。然而在酒店里,大家却见证了店员为店主守灵的一幕,遂悻悻离去。6个人走在乡间小径上,阴云密布的天空中,阵风吹起了麦浪,他们开始分享失约的奇遇……塞内夏尔(让-皮埃尔•卡塞尔 Jean-Pierre Cassel 饰)去大使馆拜访拉法尔,但是却目睹了他射击驱赶女恐怖分子的一幕;拉法尔在家中又遇到了这个意欲行刺的女人,还好他巧妙地化解了危情;其他人到弗洛伦斯(布鲁•欧吉尔 Bulle Ogier 饰)家做客,但是男女主人却躲在后花园偷情。只剩下女仆伊勒斯招待各位宾朋,众人觉得无聊作鸟兽散;女眷们在席间闲谈,突然闯来一个装甲部队上尉,对她们讲述悲惨的回忆……
回复 :When Rosa is expected to hand her boss the suntan lotion on a deer hunt, this feels like a sign. Don Reynaldo’s ranch is about to celebrate its farm anniversary, but this passionate hunter’s image is built on a lie. And so, here in the countryside, where men are men, employees are grateful subjects and women diligently and docilely hold it all together, cracks begin to appear in the social life of this microcosm. Ordered around day in and day out, unnoticed by those in her class-conscious surroundings, the menial Rosa gradually becomes an agent of change. While Don Reynaldo’s extended family contorts itself in a bid to save the old order, men begin to arrive at the farm in pickup trucks. Their appearance at the feast and a threat are enough to make the ageing patriarch fear for his life and his family – and force him to act. All that passes is observed by the animals who, either as trophies on the wall or as livestock out to pasture, seem to sense the end of an old hegemony.With a keen sense of how to deploy omens that herald change, Alejandra Márquez Abella portrays an epochal shift in rural Mexico – as seen by characters who are usually relegated to passive supporting roles.
回复 :六年前,考古研究员林国华为证明格萨尔王的存在,于藏地神秘失踪。女儿林西(屈菁菁 饰)长大后继承父业,在达叔(邢瀚卿 饰)的帮助下继续揭秘扑朔迷离的格萨尔王之谜。在高原机场外偶遇了特种兵退役战士的马强(魏千翔 饰)成了他们的司机向导,三人一起开始了一场跌宕起伏、惊险刺激的探险。生死时刻藏族女孩卓玛(吴静怡 饰)出手相助,四人结成藏地奇兵小队继续探求真相。于此同时,蓄谋已久的黑恶势力秦忠(吕颂贤 饰)派手下森哥(陈剑 饰)等人意图夺宝,一场正义护宝的殊死之战即将展开……