入围《富川国际奇幻电影节》继《鬼病院》后 韩国又一直播系骇人纪实恐怖片。你敢不敢来这里接受正宗的韩式「祝福」。在江原道的深山,性春以鬼魂闻名的废弃教堂中,性春电视制作人、巫师和神秘体验团想要:证明鬼的存在!发生了意想不到的转变,在这个诡异教堂里,神秘人物开始出现在那些前来经历这些离奇事件的人面前。
入围《富川国际奇幻电影节》继《鬼病院》后 韩国又一直播系骇人纪实恐怖片。你敢不敢来这里接受正宗的韩式「祝福」。在江原道的深山,性春以鬼魂闻名的废弃教堂中,性春电视制作人、巫师和神秘体验团想要:证明鬼的存在!发生了意想不到的转变,在这个诡异教堂里,神秘人物开始出现在那些前来经历这些离奇事件的人面前。
回复 :PANIC BEATS begins with a totally nude woman with welts on her body, running through a misty forest full of decayed skeletons. A knight on horseback is chasing her, and we soon learn that he is Alaric de Marnac (a wicked character Naschy first created for HORROR RISES FROM THE TOMB), viciously killing her for her unfaithful ways. After the credits role, we are taken to the present where a descendent of Marnac named Paul (Naschy) is married to the wealthy Geneviève (Julia Saly) was has some serious heart problems. Paul decides to take her to his ancestral home in the country for some peace and quiet, but the superstitious-filled setting opens a Pandora’s Box of terrible occurrences.We soon discover that Paul is a real son-of-a-bitch who plans to scare his wife to death, planning to control her fortune and continue his secret affair with seductive bad girl Mireille (Silvia Miró), who happens to be the niece of the tarot card-reading housekeeper, Mabile (Lola Gaos). Paul’s malevolent scheme works, but he still has to worry about an additional money-hungry mistress (this guy really gets around!), the unforgiving Mabile, as well as new fianceé Mireille who might be hiding a thing or two herself. More grisly murders follow, and the ghost of Marnac returns from hell to punish the most despicable human character in the film.PANIC BEATS was also written by Naschy (under his real name Jacinto Molina) who injects the film with an old-fashioned spooky house motif, beefed up with a modern movie sense of violence and sexuality. The film offers nothing too innovative storywise, and even Naschy admits on the disc’s extras that it was partly inspired by GASLIGHT and REBECCA, but he seems to just toss in a hodgepodge of exploitation and horror ingredients, while delivering a stylish and enjoyable effort with a number of twists and some genuinely chilling moments. The camera shots and lighting are both effective, and there's even does a cool set-up (much like what Freddie Francis did in THE SKULL and THE CREEPING FLESH) where we see the point of view of Marnac through his dark helmet as he stalks his female prey. Graphically, we are exposed to everything from a plate of bloody eyeballs, to victims being beaten relentlessly with the various Medieval weapons affixed on the house’s walls (for example, someone is axed in the stomach, followed by the soaked entrails oozing out!). Naschy’s most frequent 1980s leading lady, Julia Saly, is not given much to do, but with her offbeat looks, is a nice presence nonetheless. The prominent female star here is Silvia Miró who is seen in the buff frequently, and she certainly makes for some well-appreciated Euro starlet eye candy. Naschy himself is very good in the film, putting on conniving facades, carrying a number of women on a string, being a real malicious bastard, and for the umpteenth time in his career, playing two roles in a one film.http://www.dvddrive-in.com/reviews/n-s/panicbeats8283.htm
回复 :对于奥布莉(爱波·塔布琳 Amber Tamblyn 饰)来说,姐姐凯伦(莎拉·米歇尔·盖拉 Sarah Michelle Gellar 饰)的死充满了疑点。两年前,凯伦远赴日本求学,不久之后奥布莉一家就收到了凯伦被关入精神病院的噩耗,而现在,曾经善良美丽的姐姐已经变成了一具冰冷的尸体。奥布莉坚信其中必有古怪,因此,她和专门报道灵异事件的记者伊森(陈冠希 饰)联手,对老房子中的咒怨展开了调查。同一时间,在世界各地,发生了数件离奇死亡事件,而死者与咒怨均有着千丝万缕的关联。咒怨果真这样无孔不入吗?究竟又是谁在背后操纵着这股强大的力量呢?
回复 :《蝙蝠侠:第一年》原著漫画于1988年首次发表,作者弗兰克·米勒开创性地再造了蝙蝠侠的起源故事——他是什么人,他如何成为蝙蝠侠。本作从布鲁斯·韦恩第一次回到高谭市为开端,为这个传奇人物的诞生打下了新的基础,成为正史中最重要的一页。作为一切故事的开端,本集讲述了各个人物的来历。哈维·邓特不是令人瞩目的青年才俊,而是屡败屡战的检察官;猫女赛琳娜·凯勒不是上流社会的优雅贵妇,只是一名出身街头的穷妓女。在他们生存的哥谭市里,官员们同黑帮勾结,警察是罪犯的保护伞。新调来的警官詹姆斯·戈登想在一个堕落的城市做一名好警察;刚刚回到故乡准备扫尽罪孽的布鲁斯·韦恩则在流血中懂得,惟有让人恐惧才能叫人尊敬。在深夜中,他悄然出现,又随着宽大黑披风带起的一缕微风而没入黑暗。有人说他是野蛮的暴徒,有人说他是嗜血的疯子,也有人认为他只是一个都市传说。一切传说都有它的起源……