春暖出品After receiving a mysterious letter, a woman travels to a desolate island town and soon becomes trapped in a nightmare.
春暖出品After receiving a mysterious letter, a woman travels to a desolate island town and soon becomes trapped in a nightmare.
回复 :琪琪自幼便失去了父母,被送往了孤儿院。孤儿院中的生活状况十分堪忧,琪琪因此结识了很多和她一样游手好闲的小混混。误入歧途的琪琪从此走上一条不归路,并且最终犯下了杀人的重罪,在一场意外中,她和朋友们一起参与了分尸行动。自从那一天起,琪琪的生活变了样,每一天,她都生活在胆战心惊之中,没有睡过一个安稳觉。最终,受不了良心谴责的琪琪决定自首。根据琪琪提供的线索,警方很快就将抛尸的地点锁定在了位于尖沙咀的一幢废弃的大楼里,最终,被分割的尸块重见天日,但随着警方的深入调查,更可怕的事情浮出了水面。
回复 :影片改编自阿加莎·克里斯蒂原著小说《东方快车谋杀案》,讲述大侦探波洛(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)在东方快车上巧破一桩谋杀奇案的故事。波洛乘上东方快车,夜间三次被吵醒,第二天清晨便发现同车的美国富商雷切特(约翰尼·德普 Johnny Depp 饰)被人谋杀,死者被戳了12刀。波洛根据他所观察到的各种可疑迹象以及同车人士的讯问,并结合美国实行的12人陪审团制度等情况进行逻辑推理,成功地揭开了一起“集体复仇”奇案。
回复 :Atka Natas is a secret agent from the oppressive regime of Liquidatzia. He visits his estranged wife Vera, a chemist who is involved with a group of exiles trying to smuggle their compatriots out of Liquidatzia. Almkvist, an honest local policeman and former lover of Vera's, contacts her while investigating the death of one of the refugees. Natas has a list of agents operating in the host country and wants to sell them to the Americans. However before he can do so, Vera tries to kill him, after an argument about getting her parents out of Liquidatzia.