回复 :生(廖伟雄)乃香港典型小市民。一次勒索案中,意外救得孤寒富豪铎(刘兆铭)后获得一官半职。生满以为从此平步青云,可攀附绅仕名流。可是,生既得不到铎之提携,更处处受铎之敌威(刘兆铭)针对。另一方面,生好友云(魏骏杰)受铎幼子驰(邓兆尊)所累失去工作,更受尽欺凌;。生一直暗恋的梦中情人玉(陈梅馨)竟是金玉其外,败絮其中。生伤心失望之余,乱打乱撞与玉姊莲(邓萃雯)擦出了爱情火花!就在这时,威竟以巨款收买生离开莲。生看透豪门百态,顿感意兴阑珊,亦决意抽身走出这个曾令他存幻想之地……
回复 :CW已续订《邪恶力量》第十二季。解决了上帝与Darkness事件之后,Dean遇到了母亲Mary Winchester,双方都十分吃惊。与此同时,从英国来的Men of Letters成员Toni Bevell袭击并带走了Sam,试图得到美国地区猎人们的讯息,Dean与母亲和Cas赶去救援……
回复 :Starring Larry David as an over-the-top version of himself, the iconic Emmy® and Golden Globe®-winning comedy series CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM offers a tongue-in-cheek depiction of the writer/producer/comedian’s fictionalized life.The comedy series continues to prove how seemingly trivial details of one's day-to-day life can precipitate a catastrophic chain of events. To keep the narrative spontaneous, the series is shot without a script and cast members are given scene outlines and improvise lines as they go.