回复 :《一起吃晚饭吗》是一部描绘了在生计、结婚与恋爱都很困难的2030时代的现实性的事情以及爱情的作品。
回复 :《雷神3》导演塔伊加·维迪提的成名作《吸血鬼生活》推出衍生剧集《惠灵顿灵异档案》(Wellington Paranormal),该剧终于发布了首个预告。7月11日在新西兰电视台TVNZ 2播出。继承了《吸血鬼生活》一本正经地讲“灵异”风格,也是伪纪录片形式,讲述一群惠灵顿的警察探索突然出现的丧尸等灵异生命横行的情况,Marko警官得意地展示他的灵异档案。
回复 :A group of aliens has come to Earth to learn about its population, customs, etc. To avoid detection, they have taken on human form which gives them human emotions, physical needs etc. WITHOUT the understanding of what they mean or the inhibitions normally present in humans. Their leader takes the position of a college professor, their military expert as his sister, their intelligence expert, supposedly oldest of group takes form of his teenage son. The uninhibited reactions turn everyday events into unusual situations.