回复 :恍如世界末日一般,洪水席卷地球,世界变成一片汪洋,空旷而孤寂。一位老人孤独地生活在这个世上,或凭栏远眺,或看看电视消磨时光,几无可以交流之人。水位不断上涨,老人只能不断加盖房子,宛如摞积木一般,房子有如矗立在深海中的巨塔。在搬运家具时,老人的烟斗不慎掉落水中,更顺着层与层之间的通道掉落下去。烟斗有着他和老伴共同的回忆,老人决心潜水取回烟斗,但是这一举动似乎打开了记忆的闸门,往日的回忆不断涌现。老人无法自已,一层层向下沉去,寻找那些早已沉在海底的珍贵记忆……本片荣获2009年奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片奖。©豆瓣
回复 :Amra is growing up in the Mongolian steppe between herds of goats and YouTube videos. His hopes and dreams revolve around someday performing onstage in Mongolia's Got Talent. However, the fight against the exploitation by gold mining companies and the campaign for a viable environment soon challenge the boy's eclectic talents.
回复 :Chronicles a family's hopeful battle to stay together as personal demons and destructive secrets threaten to rip them apart.