回复 :《歌舞昇平》裡有幾個如果是肥皂劇劇情肯定會被安排連成一線的家庭,他們口中的悲慘命運是如此曖昧地有異曲同工之妙,令人在觀看時會想那是誰的誰,那人跟那人又有什麼關係。其實唯一的關聯是五個家庭同樣領取「綜援」,但每個故事卻往不同方向發展。他們貧窮的理由或許不一樣,處境也不一樣,結果,卻都發展成十分相似的生活狀態,殊途同歸的境地,幾乎都是對貧窮的習慣和適應,影片裡穿插著過年的片段,又和典型中國人過年有難以區分的相同與不同。The film explores the hidden face of poverty in one of the world's most affluent and capitalistic cities. Directed by CHEUNG King Wai (KJ Music and Life), the film follows five Hong Kong families of different backgrounds that receive government subsidies. How do the poor get by in a glossy city that flaunts conspicuous consumption and hides poverty in cavernous public housing estates All's Right With The World shares the different stories of these low-income families, their daily living conditions, and their ways of celebrating Chinese New Year.获奖情况:2008年 入圍第32屆香港國際電影節競賽單元2008年 入圍韓國首爾獨立電影電視節2008年 入圍第20屆飛帕電影節
回复 :In the Post-World War II, in Los Angeles, a criminal shots and kills a police officer in the middle of the night. Without any leads, the chief of the LAPD assigns Sgt. Chuck Jones and Sgt. Marty Brennan to investigate the murder and apprehend the culprits. When the dealer of electronics devices, Paul Reeves, is caught selling a stolen projector, the police identifies the criminal, and connects him to other unsolved robberies. Using the witnesses of his heists, they draw their face, but the true identity of the smart and intelligent criminal is not disclosed. The perseverance of Sgt. Marty Brennan in his investigation gives a clue where he might live.
回复 :杰西·威廉姆斯、乔丹娜·布鲁斯特加盟,杰伊·巴鲁切尔自导自演新片[随机暴力行动](Random Acts Of Violence,暂译)。本片根据同名漫画小说改编,将围绕漫画作者托德(威廉姆饰)、他的女友(布鲁斯特饰)、他的助理(妮娅姆·威尔逊饰)、他的好朋友(巴鲁切尔饰)展开。在从多伦多到纽约参加动漫展的路上,人们开始像托德漫画中的方式被杀害。很明显,是有一个狂热粉丝在搞事......本片正在拍摄,将持续到9月。