柏木In an uncharted future, two hardened souls meet and confront each other with the things they have done and what they have become.
柏木In an uncharted future, two hardened souls meet and confront each other with the things they have done and what they have become.
回复 :Upon arrival to Venus, cosmonauts find furious volcanoes and sundry prehistoric beasts in Klushantev's film, based on a novel by the Soviet sci-fi writer Aleksandr Kazantsev. Footage has been recycled in three Corman productions: Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet, Queen of Blood, and Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (the directorial debut of Peter Bogdanovich).83min
回复 :故事讲述一名带着铁锤上门的青年马提夫闯入岳父家中、试图杀死岳父替女友复仇,却发现一连串隐藏在这个平凡家庭底下的黑暗戏谑真相。
回复 :无论是外表还是个性,二之宫渚(堀北真希 饰)都属于普通的那一栏,唯一和同龄女高中生不同的地方时,她的了不治之症,只剩下三个月的寿命。得知自己年轻的生命即将走到尽头,渚并没有十分激动,她的脑海里只有一个念头,那就是去海边小镇,找自己曾经喜欢过的男生石川聪(洼冢俊介 饰)。渚隐瞒了自己生病的事实来到了聪的身边,本以为早已淡忘的感情逐渐的在胸中复苏了。让渚感到失望的是,聪并非单身,此时的他正在和一位名叫绘里子(高冈早纪 饰)的女子交往着,而绘里子是一名有妇之夫。一次偶然中,渚与绘里子的女儿相遇了,两个孤独的灵魂相互慰藉,渚决定带着女孩离家出走。