回复 :For the first time in HELL'S KITCHEN history, the latest batch of 20 aspiring restaurateurs head to Las Vegas to present their signature dishes before Chef Ramsey and a live audience. The contestants will split into two teams - the red team and the blue team - to prove they have what it takes to win a life-changing grand prize as Head Chef at Gordon Ramsay Pub and Grill at Caesars Palace. The winning team with the most impressive dishes will earn a VIP night on the town and attend a special concert, while the losing team will make the long journey back to Los Angeles on a school busFor fans that can't wait to get their fix of the celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay's toxic-tongued kitchen antics, the wait is almost over.Tuesday kicks off the newest season of "Hell's Kitchen" with a two-hour episode on FOX.In the premiere, three contestants --Amanda Giblin, Dan Ryan and Jessica Lewis --are among the 20 chefs that compete in front of a live Las Vegas audience for a cooking challenge that pits the men against the women. They talked to FoxNews.com’s Ashley Dvorkin about what it’s like to be on the show and what’s in store during this—the 11th season.Giblin says one of the biggest challenges for her was cooking in front of the large, live audience, for which they were given no advanced warning. “It was incredible, scary,” she said.In Tuesday’s show they say there’s an extra contestant that is neither man nor woman. Also the winning team (they don’t say who) gets a VIP night on the town, while the losers get a bumpy ride home on a hot school bus.
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回复 :由企鹅影视、黑龙江卫视、实力文化联合出品的《见字如面》第二季将于9月12日在腾讯视频和黑龙江卫视上线,腾讯视频全网独播。作为全屏首档大型季播朗读节目,《见字如面》第二季延续第一季的良好口碑,继续邀请诸多重量级明星倾情加盟。除何冰、归亚蕾惊喜回归外,周迅、张丰毅、姚晨、喻恩泰等也加入《见字如面》第二季的明星队伍里。第二季还采用了主题编排的形式,十二期节目各有自己的主题,分别关涉生死抉择、众生世相、爱恨情仇、忠义背叛和读书成长等。新晋加盟的周迅、姚晨将带着对生命的感悟朗读天地冷暖,张丰毅、吴刚、李立群将凭借阅历打磨朗读俗世人心,喻恩泰、夏雨、佟大为将抚着岁月纹理朗读众生甜苦。