回复 :官方宣布第4季
回复 :20世纪90年代,泡沫经济破灭的艰苦年代,在某大型公司上班的OL冬木亚纪(永作博美 饰)自强干练,专注干出一番不输于男儿的事业。此前她曾与海外事业部的同期佐藤康(江口洋介 饰)相恋,但最终赌气分手,从此失之交臂。亚纪一步一个脚印,事业小有起色之际结交了趣味相投的男友纯平(池内博之 饰)。她的弟弟雅人(三浦贵大 饰)和患有先心的沙织结婚,瘦小的沙织顽强而徒劳地和命运做着抗争。另一方面,佐藤的婚姻出现问题,身体状况也江河日下。他和亚纪彼此挂念,隔岸眺望,各自回忆着那次大雪之日的归乡旅程。缘分就是这样让人慨叹唏嘘,一旦错过便再难牵手。爱如此之美,又如此易碎易失……本片根据白石一文的原作改编。©豆瓣
回复 :Survival hangs in the balance for a group of teenage girls stranded on a deserted island, after the explosive discovery that what's happening to them is an elaborate social experiment. Season 2 ups the drama and keeps you guessing, with the introduction of more test subjects – a new island of teenage boys – who must also fight for survival under the watchful eye of the experiment’s puppet master.