免费In this stand-up special, comedian Hazel Brugger offers her breezy takes on unruly geese, chatty gynecologists, German bank loans and more.
免费In this stand-up special, comedian Hazel Brugger offers her breezy takes on unruly geese, chatty gynecologists, German bank loans and more.
回复 : 《2023开学第一课》以“强国复兴有我”为主题,从传统文化、文明探源、生态文明、乡村振兴、国防教育、科技创新、“一带一路”等方面,全景展示中国式现代化的万千气象。节目邀请“八一勋章”获得者、时代楷模、全国脱贫攻坚楷模、二十大代表、航天员、科学家、文化学者等,以奋斗者的第一视角,讲述新时代奋斗故事,呈现伟大奋斗精神,鼓舞广大青少年博学笃行,投身强国建设、民族复兴的新征程。
回复 :在第一次世界大战爆发之际,三位皇亲各自统治着欧洲的强大势力:沙俄帝国的沙皇尼古拉斯二世,德国的德皇威廉二世,以及英王乔治五世。这部两集纪录片系列检索了这三位君主在一战爆发中所起到的角色以及战争开始之际他们之间的关系;提论这些元素的影响要比以往的历史学家们所认识的要大的多。At the outbreak of the First World War three cousins reigned over Europe's greatest powers - Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany and King George V of England. This two-part series looks at the role played by the three monarchs, and their relationships with each other, in the outbreak of war, arguing that it is far greater than historians have traditionally believed.
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