回复 :哈利·波特这个假期过得可不好,他不但要忍受他那傲慢无礼的舅妈佩图尼亚与舅舅维农·杜斯利,同时他最好的朋友朗·维斯利与赫敏·格兰杰似乎也把他给忘ddd。哈利写给他们的信都得不到回复,这时出现了离奇的事,哈利12岁生日那天,一个神秘的小精灵多比出现在他的卧室中,它警告哈利,如果想回到霍格沃茨魔法学校,将会遭遇极大的危险……
回复 :A quick glimpse at the cast for this film would make any horror fan giddy with glee. The actual movie doesn't live up to those high expectations, but it's far from being all bad. Desi Arnaz Jr. (!) plays an author who makes a crazy $20,000 bet with his publisher that he could write a great novel in only 24 hours. To do so, the publisher gives him the keys to an old abandoned house where he won't be disturbed. Not true. Once he gets there he is interrupted by a multitude of guests including a family which consists of John Carradine, Sheila Keith, Peter Cushing and Vincent Price. They are gathered there in a twisted family reunion to release their brother from the room he's been imprisoned in for forty years. Even Christopher Lee drops by as Corrigan, the man who has just purchased the house. Soon, they realize that the caged brother is loose and out for revenge.What a great plotline and what a dream cast! This movie should have been a hell of a lot better. It's hard to pinpoint the exact problems with the film, but I would venture to say that the lack of lighting was a major fault. Sure the house has no electricity but I think they took the title of the movie a little too literally. Scenes after scenes are barely visible and the actors' faces are undecipherable. Only the moments in the main dinning hall are well lit. Also, the great actors are given very little to do. Cushing gets a few chuckles as the scared brother but Price, Lee and especially Carradine are somewhat wasted here. Well, at least Price gets the best line of the film: `Please don't interrupt me while I am soliloquizing.' And on the plus side, the story has enough twists and turns throughout to keep one`s interest and the ending, while a bit of a cop-out, manages to surprise.
回复 :惊哗春梦:电脑系大学生颜千民(关楚耀 饰)与邱月清(小肥 饰)因宿舍床位紧张,只好入住风尘女集中之所,此事经新闻发布,吸引了由美国返港的林宝儿(诗雅 饰)亦来此入住,身为童子鸡的颜与邱二人凭借IT技术为众风尘女解围,而颜更爱上宝儿却不知如何表达 。毒菇求爱:阿杰(陈伟霆 饰)因生意失败女友分手,只好帮朋友送迷幻菇赚钱,在阿杰和客户Moom(陈静 饰)接头之际,阿杰因误食迷幻食物将这个夜晚变得疯狂。有杀有赔:本是寿司师傅的大鹏(梁烈唯 饰)因为好赌,中了赌场老板炮仗哥的圈套,被其胁迫做杀手,自忖死期将至的大鹏拜访亲人与旧爱谢颖欣(苟芸慧 饰),却意外收获了新的人生……