回复 :故事以一个孩子的角度,回顾了他的父亲——理发店师傅宋汉默(宋康昊 饰)的一生。汉默没有什么学问,人送绰号“豆腐“,专靠替人理发养家糊口,年轻时跟自己的女学徒(文素丽 饰)情投意合,喜结连理。汉默的理发店在青瓦台总统官邸的附近,因此他也见证了韩国总统更替的诸多历史事件。在韩国发生”4.19革命“那天,汉默的儿子降生了,取名乐安。一次偶然的机会,汉默结识了韩国中央情报局的头目(孙秉浩 饰),他举荐宋做了总统(赵勇进 饰)的理发师。此后12年间,汉默得以有机会在总统身边服务,而且还幸运地陪同总统出访美国。不过,由于一次马库斯热传染病的牵连,汉默的儿子被保密局的官员带走了,严刑拷打造成了孩子双腿残疾。为了给孩子治病,汉默到处托关系找路子却屡屡碰壁,最后他独自背着孩子踏上了寻医问药之路……
回复 :剧情讲述一群小朋友探索追踪一个中世纪祸害——名叫Morgana、是亚瑟王同父(母)异母(父)的妹妹的故事。路易斯饰Alex,偶然发现了亚瑟王的圣剑“Excalibur”,泰勒饰他的同伴兰斯洛特,Denise Gough饰他的母亲,Imrie饰年轻版梅林,斯图尔特有望饰演老版梅林,弗格森则有望饰演大反派Morgana。该片由福斯发行,充满动作冒险元素。
回复 :Masked figures with machine guns march into the secondary school in Karatas, take the pupils hostage, and execute one of them. They make no demands. Silent terror is their modus operandi. Seeing as the army will take two days to arrive due to a snowstorm, maths teacher Tazshi decides to assemble his own assault team: his ex-wife, the gym teacher, the cowardly school principal, an alcoholic night watchman, the village idiot, and an incompetent chief of police.What follows is no traditional action film, but a thriller with snatches of comedy, in which the enemy isn’t hidden behind masks, but is in the minds of the liberators. Before they act, they have to overcome their personal demons. Comparisons to the school hostage-takings in Beslan and Kazan are obvious, yet Karatas – the mythical village where much of director Adilkhan Yerzhanov’s work is set – could be anywhere. It is universally acknowledged that crises bring out people's true natures.