这一晚,致亲窃贼老李(范伟 饰)进入一处破旧的居民楼内行窃,致亲不料却目击了一场命案:神秘女子(朱珠 饰)离奇被杀,就在老李拼命制伏凶手阎正(张颂文 饰)之际,外卖员马明亮(窦骁 饰)突然也莫名其妙地出现在这个房间之内。三人一头雾水,全然不知对方身份,不断反转的剧情即将揭开层层真相……
这一晚,致亲窃贼老李(范伟 饰)进入一处破旧的居民楼内行窃,致亲不料却目击了一场命案:神秘女子(朱珠 饰)离奇被杀,就在老李拼命制伏凶手阎正(张颂文 饰)之际,外卖员马明亮(窦骁 饰)突然也莫名其妙地出现在这个房间之内。三人一头雾水,全然不知对方身份,不断反转的剧情即将揭开层层真相……
回复 :老妪娜巴特和丈夫伊斯坎德尔生活在远离村庄的偏远小屋。伊斯坎德尔曾是森林巡逻队队员,现在病重在家休养。而战争肆掠此地已久,他们的儿子也在前线牺牲了。老妪家唯一的经济来源是一头奶牛,她隔些日子会去村子里卖牛奶。战争的阴云笼罩着大地,村庄渐渐人去楼空,老妪的生活也举步维艰……《娜巴特》改编自阿塞拜疆导演Elchin Musaoglu在苏联解体时期听到的一则故事,首映于2014年威尼斯电影节地平线单元。
回复 :Lois Ames is devoted to her job as the editor of a magazine, and her wealthy husband Fred is equally dedicated to polo and parties. Lois's long hours drive her secretary to quit, and she replaces her with Tom Sheridan, who happens to be in the office demonstrating a rowing machine. Tom likes the work and continues to advance until he is indispensable to Lois. Ruth Holman, Tom's fiancée, is jealous of Tom's relationship with Lois and with some reason, as he is falling in love with her. In the meantime, Fred is having an affair with Ann Le Maire, a woman whose interests are closer to his own. Because he feels his love for Lois is hopeless, Tom quits his job and plans his marriage to Ruth. Lois tries to patch things up with Fred, but he suggests that they divorce instead. On Tom's last night, Lois keeps him working late. Ruth is furious and storms up to the office where Lois and Tom are dining. She threatens to tell Lois's husband about their relationship, which leaves the way clear for Lois to announce her pending divorce. Ruth breaks off her engagement to Tom, and he immediately asks Lois to marry him.
回复 :1976年7月27日夜,唐山地区爆发7.8级强烈地震,房屋倒塌,灾民无数。面对即将坍塌的危楼,丈夫方大强(张国强 饰)和妻子李元妮(徐帆 饰)都要去救被困的龙凤胎儿女方登(张子枫 饰)、方达(张家骏 饰)。危急时刻,方大强拦住了妻子,冲进去营救时不幸罹难。李元妮在震后发现,一双儿女被困在一块水泥板两端,若要营救,必然牺牲一方。情急之下,她做出了艰难选择——救弟弟。此事成为方登心中难以磨灭的隐痛。后来,她被军人王德清(陈道明 饰)夫妇收养。高考后,方登(张静初 饰)进入杭州医学院学习,并与研究生师兄杨志(陆毅 饰)产生了感情……方达被救却断了胳膊,李元妮以无私的母爱抚养他成人。成年后的方达(李晨 饰)去杭州闯荡,娶了媳妇小河(王子文 饰),并干出了一番事业。32年后,这家人的命运却因为5·12汶川地震再次发生了交叠……