回复 : 四位著名音乐人寻找美国最好的声音,指导他们成为艺人。而将由全美观众来决定哪位歌手能获得大奖。
回复 :《奇葩大会》将于2017年1月20日晚8:00在爱奇艺独家上线!作为“奇葩”系列节目之一,《奇葩大会》将打造一个史无前例的先锋青年观点集会,华人世界最先行、最勇敢、最新锐的青年聚集在这里,放肆分享,自由表达,带来自己最真实的生命体验和人生观点。《奇葩大会》由何炅、马东、蔡康永、高晓松担任导师,集结一大波老奇葩马薇薇、范湉湉、肖骁、颜如晶、姜思达、艾力、邱晨、大王、黄执中、李林、陈咏开、陈铭、董婧、欧阳超坐镇现场,李开复、李银河、贾伟等各界领袖人物悉数登场,导师与老奇葩们将在现场向杰出的分享者发出直通《奇葩说4》的诚意邀请,而选择权,在分享者手中,他们有权拒绝!
回复 :Prime Video announced that the eight-episode docuseries Tampa Baes will drop this fall.The streaming service briefly teased the series on social media, introducing its subjects as “the young lesbian ‘it-crowd’ navigating and celebrating life in Tampa Bay — Florida’s LGBTQ+ hub and the place to see and be seen.” The titular Tampa baes are friends, of course, but sometimes more than that, too. Movers and shakers, they’re “always ready for an adventure or a good party” but they reportedly have a serious side as well. The official description characterizes the cast as “ambitious and unapologetic while constantly battling stereotypes and labels.”